I really miss you. I miss talking to you when IÂ’m bored, I miss telling you my problems. I miss the things that we do together. But I guess IÂ’ll have to endure it some more.
I just want to forget that it happened but I canÂ’t. I canÂ’t show you that everything is fine when itÂ’s not. I just want to let you know how badly hurt I was.
I honestly donÂ’t know what happened to us. We used to be very happy. But everything changed. You changed. From the person whom I think I can count on and cheer me up when IÂ’m down, to a person who finds faults in every little thing I do.
I guess I just got sick of it. I can’t stand it any longer. I know that “you should tell your friends what’s right and wrong for them”. But why do I feel like you were only telling me what’s wrong? You never get to appreciate the good things that I’ve done for you.