


Once more into the fray... Into the last good fight I'll ever know... Live and die on this day... Live and die on this day..

[Ei aihetta]Perjantai 09.04.2010 19:40

Miten yks ihminen voi masentaa mua näin?
Miten yks ihminen voi piristää mua näin?

[Ei aihetta]Perjantai 09.04.2010 19:08

Joskus olis mukavaa jos ihmiset kertois totuuden.
Vaik en oo sitä hyvä käsitteleen.

Vihaan vaan semmosia ketkä esittää et kaikki on hyvin,
vaik ne oikeesti vihais mua yli kaiken.

[Ei aihetta]Perjantai 09.04.2010 16:55

Keheheeh nyt on sormi sitte paketis.
+ Antibiootti kuurijes.

Mut enpä sinne sairaalaa joutunu C:

[Ei aihetta]Perjantai 09.04.2010 16:52

Don't play with me
I am not your toy
Oh cant you see
I am not your gameboy
Don't mess with me
I am not your toy
Just look at me
I am not your gameboy

6 double a batteries, and I'm good to go
700 milliamps, I'm here 2 rokk the show
6 double a batteries, to hear the music play
700 milliamps, gonna come your way

I don't have ms. pac-man
Asteroids or donkey kong
Don't look here for tetris
Even supermario
Don't ask me, I told you no

I don't have spyhunter
Galaga or burger time
Don't look here for frogger
Dig-dug aint no friend of mine
Don't ask me, you'll cross the line

I don't have a joystick
Or a backlit lcd
No nintendo logo
Don't push that cartridge inside me
Cause I'll push back, just wait and see

[Ei aihetta]Perjantai 09.04.2010 16:46

Etunimeni ? (1p)
Sukunimeni ? (3p)
Olenko hetero, bi, lesbo vai homo ? (3p)
Olenko ihastunut ? (2p)
Seurustelenko ? (1p)
Jos niin kenen kanssa ? (1p)
Millaisessa talossa asun ? (2p)

Yksärillä kiitosh.

Joska 10 p
Amanda 10 p
Ella 10 p
Glamo 9 p

[Ei aihetta]Perjantai 09.04.2010 00:46

I was feeling sad and lonely
And my heart was torn in 2
I went out to see a show
That's the night that I met you

You're so dreamy, you're so sweet
Swept completely off my feet
You duct-taped my heart back together
I think that this could last
I know that this will last forever
You duct-taped my heart back together

The club was packed, the band was loud
I held my breath as you came near
You seemed to have something to say
I leaned in close so I could hear
A roll of duct tape in your hand
"we have a show next saturday"
You hung a flyer on the wall
"will you come and see us play?"

You're so dreamy, you're so sweet
Swept completely off my feet
You duct-taped my heart back together
I think that this could last
I hope that this will last
I know that this will last forever
You duct-taped my heart back together
I know that this will last forever

We were walking in the rain
And a hole was in my shoe
You pulled some duct tape from your bag
Patched it up as good as new
"that should keep you dry" you told me
Looking shyly in my eyes
And our hands were almost touching
That first kiss was a surprise

[Ei aihetta]Perjantai 09.04.2010 00:30

Hitler was always smiling.

U know why?

Because his name is spelled FÃœHRER, get it?

[Ei aihetta]Torstai 08.04.2010 23:59

HIGH STUCK ARE WITH TO - haistakaa vittu
RICE COUSIN KISS SUNNY - raiskasin kissani
RA PICK ARE PEAR SET TANNY - raapikaa persettäni
TO LIP US CUT HOSE SOON - tuli paskat housuun
NINETY MICE TOO - nainti maistuu
PEN IS CAR WHAT - penis karvat

ootte höpsöiTorstai 08.04.2010 23:31

sano kolmelle mesekaverillesi '' tuun teille huomenna '', ja lisää vastaukset tänne

The public Enemy sanoo:
meen stadii huomen

Anna sanoo:
okkeejj.. miks? ^^

Joska sanoo:
mitä sä tääl?

[Ei aihetta]Torstai 08.04.2010 22:53

elfen ♥
Sinne kaikki kerpele! C:
Syön teiät jos ette liity.