
Achmed, the dead terrorist Keskiviikko 26.12.2007 21:26

"All right, listen Achmed, I have something to tell you."
"You really are dead."
"Are you sure?"
"But, I just got my flu shot!"
"You really are dead."
"Wait, if I'm dead, that means I get my 72 virgins! Are you my virgins? I hope not!"
"There's a bunch of ugly ass guys out here. If this is paradise I've been screwed!"
"Did they say it would be only female virgins?"
"Holy crap!"


"Oh, okay how about if I kill the jews? No, I'm kidding I wouldn't kill the jews … No … I would toss a penny between them and watch them fight to the death! Hahahahaha. Yes yes, I did the same thing with two catholic priests, but I tossed a small boy! Yes yes, and the winner had to fight Michael Jackson."

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