


Tilipitäppi tilipitäppi

WordsTorstai 21.06.2012 01:22

Keskusta – keskusta (Espoon keskusta = sentti)
Bussi - dösä
tupakka - rööki
Ruoka - ruoka
Kännykkä – känny
tietokone – kone
Msn messenger – mese
sinä - sä
Irc-Galleria - Galleria
Helsinki - Stadi
Koulu – skole , koulu
Opettaja – maikka,ope
Kotitalous - köksä
Televisio - telkkari
Poika/mies – jätkä
Tyttö/nainen – tyttö,muija, likka, nainen
Huomenta – huomenta, aamuja
Salatut elämät – salkkarit
Limsa - limu
Sikainfluenssa - possunuha
Äiti - mutsi
Isi - iskä, faija
Vanhemmat - porukat

Belive (BOTDF)Maanantai 18.06.2012 16:02

Believe in me,
When you feel like you're losing all your hopes and dreams.
Believe in me,
When I am gone you gotta keep a smile on.
Believe in me,
Goodbye my friends; Just celebrate the times we spent.
Believe in me,
We all die; It's in awfully big adventure.
Believe in me, When I'm gone...

We all fall down,
We'll pick you up.
We all fall down,
We'll pick you up.

Believe in me,
Just keep your faith and believe in all that you make.
Believe in me,
My love is not a gamble; You can count on me.

Believe in me,
No lies just love; I will be pure just like the sun.
Believe in me,
When you are down I will lift you up from the ground.
Believe in me, When I'm gone...
We all fall down,
We'll pick you up
We all fall down,
We'll pick you up

(Don't be afraid of death, It will come at you at the speed of light. But if you're not afraid of death, it will cast it's shadowy eyes upon you, and guide you into eternal infinity)
Believe in me, When I'm gone...

We all fall down,
We'll pick you up
We all fall down,
We'll pick you up
I love you...

...Keskiviikko 13.06.2012 17:56

Tell me why
Ain't nothin' but a heartache
Tell me why
Ain't nothin' but a mistake
Tell me why
I never wanna hear you say
I want it that way

...~Torstai 07.06.2012 23:07

Tunnen oloni niin tyhmäksi.
Koen ajatukseni täysin vääräksi.
Mä tuomitsen itse itseni,
Älkää te tehkö sitä, osaan tehdä sen itsekkin.
Hymyilen vaikka minuun sattuu liikaa,
On viimepäivät ollut mulle pelkästään piinaa.
Nyt sain kerrankin maistaa omaa lääkettäni,
Lähti taas yksi ihminen läheltäni.

Tähti toteuttaa toiveen.
Miksei se toteuta minun toivettani ?
Olen pyytänyt monta yötä.
Olen pyytänyt monta päivää.
Ehkä mun ei pitäis toivoa tähdiltä.
Ehkä mun pitäisi ottaa itseäni niskasta kiinni.
Mä en voi parantaa maailmaa,
Mutta ehkä mä voin parantaa mun mieleni.

My lifeKeskiviikko 06.06.2012 19:30

My name is deer. I say "MYLVH" !
I have horns on my head.
My head is amazing.
I'm amazing.
Couse I'm deer.

:ITiistai 05.06.2012 21:50



.... Tunnen oloni tyhmäksi.........
......... :I


[x] maailman viisaus ja epä-turhin blogaus NEVER EVER uhah

[Ei aihetta]Tiistai 05.06.2012 00:24

tahtois että kukaan satuttais sua.
En haluaisi sulle enään yhtään enempää kipua.
Sä oot tärkeempi kun taivaan tähdet.
Jos koskaan sua itkettää, mä olen aina valmiina kuuntelemaan.
En katoa sun rinnaltasi ellet aja mua pois.
Sano vaan, niin karataan jonnekkin kauas pakoon maailmaa.
Sä ansaitset parasta, mä en oo parasta, mutta sun ystävyys,
On parasta mitä mä itse olen saanut.
Muista, olet rakas~

~Maanantai 04.06.2012 00:54

Olen täällä kun tahdot nauraa,
olen täällä kun tahdot itkeä.
Ojenna kätesi,
niin voimme lentää yöllä kohti tähtitavasta.
Huomaatko kuinka silmäsi säihkyvät,
tässä kauniissa valossa ?
Huomaatko kuinka kaunis sinä olet,
sinun hymysi, sinun hiuksesi.

~~Keskiviikko 30.05.2012 23:39

~Now is the time, now is the hour
I am the magic, I am the power, oh
All I need is one star in the sky
Wish for you every night~

~Now is the time, now is the hour
To take back my heart, to take back my power
This is the moment to break your spell
I see right through you now burn in hell~

Unforvigen !Tiistai 29.05.2012 16:30

You got your secrets locked inside, you got them hidden so well
I'm gonna break down all your walls and find out what you won't tell
I know you think you're quite the slogan of the massive disguise
Let's go right through into the bullsh*t, I see all of your lies

I dropped my guard, you played your cards, you dug a hole in my skin
You cut me deep and watch me bleed while pleading your innocence
Fixing your lies, your filthy lies, the truth is here on your face
You keep in mind that I'm not blind, my memories can't be erased

You took your love and wasted all of it
On someone who could care less for you
I kept my word, everything I said
Came directly from my heart, it's true

Don't think I won't forget the things you've done
Don't think you won't regret forbidding fun
I've drawn my line with you in the sand
Now I know you are the one who is unforgiven


You walked me to the gates of heaven, now I'm burning in hell
Took something pure and true, turn it into something to sell
Can you live with yourself, just think about what you have done
This is about the game you play not the game that you won

You think you're slick but here's the trick I'll always know more than you know
You choose your fate, whose masquerade is done when you walk out the door
Don't justify your bullsh*t lies, it's so obvious that you're fake
Who's fooling who? I know the truth, this drama is more than I can take

You took your love and wasted all of it
On someone who could care less for you
I kept my word, everything I said
Came directly from my heart, it's true

Don't think I won't forget the things you've done
Don't think you won't regret forbidding fun
I've drawn my line with you in the sand
Now I know you are the one who is unforgiven

You had your fun with all that was forbidden
You are the one who is unforgiven


You took your love and wasted all of it
On someone who could care less for you
I kept my word, everything I said
Came directly from my heart, it's true

Let it go, just let go
You'll be fine on your own
Let it go, just let go
You'll be fine on your own
