


sano vaan johtajaks ;)


Vitun kyylä
25.2.1992 (33,04 vuotta)


Minä ja muut
Chat 18+


82 Tänään
82 Viimeisen 7 päivän aikana
  • Kuvassa:
  • Life's a game and we need to
    Play it correct, do the
    Right moves and don't get caught. <3

  • Now that all the smoke is gone
    And the battle’s finally won
    Victory is finally ours. <3
    Wuhuuu eikun donitsit ja kahvit tänne <3 love

  • I got my tailormade suit, I got my rims on shine, i got my goons in the cut,
    i got my i got my dogs in the cover, i got my purple in the bag,
    i got my bottle on ice, i got my first class tickets, i got my goons in the cut
    i got my . V.I.P in my heart ;) <3 love u bro

  • Anytime im needin some1
    I think of u for comfort, can u feel me?
    Anytime ur feelin down or
    Need a friend for comfort, can u feel me?

  • enia

    eniaAnd damn it im gon miss it if we fade away
    I don't wanna be down, Lovin' you i have found
    Girl i want chu around .
    / ikävä vaan enemmän hetki hetkelt / love / <3

  • attie

    attieYeah you know what this is
    You granted all my wishes
    And damn it im gon miss it if we fade away <3

  • tttiiu

    tttiiuSä oot se jonka kanssa haluun jakaa tän elämän.
    SÄ oot se mun kynttilä , joka antaa mulle valoa ja
    lämpöä kylmässä ja pimeässä. Talvikin on tulos
    En pärjää sitä ilman sua <33 love u <3

  • Proached the chick with the real pretty face
    Big ass booty with a little bitty waist
    I whisped in her ear, "Lil' mama, what you drink?"
    villellä on ikävä helmii , haluun sun luo <3

  • janna

    jannaYou can have it your way, how do you want it
    You gon' back that thing up or should i push up on it .
    <3 love u beibi girl <3

  • realiZe

    realiZeIstu alas ystäväiseni, en pyydä paljoo,
    Mul on muutama seteli, mun vuoro tarjoo
    Toivottavasti hyvin aikaa varasit
    Hei tarjoilija, täyttäisitkö meidän lasit? <3

  • tttiiu

    tttiiuRoikun sussa kiinni kovempaa kuin sun oma varjo.
    TUrha se näihin huomioihin on kirjottaa.
    Rakastan sua Nyt ja Aina ! <3

  • \'Cause you are not alone
    I\'m always there with you
    And we\'ll get lost together
    Until the light comes pouring through

  • sossiJau <3 dau , WAu <3
    Keep you love lockdown , keep there a secret code.
    haluun tietää sen koodin ja päästä sydämees.
    FOr ever yours <3

  • N1KSU

    N1KSUleave this place go back to yours
    our lips first touch outside your doors
    a whole night what we’ve got in store
    whisper in my ear that you want some more|<3love

  • pikkupaula

    pikkupaulaLate night sex so wet you're so tight,
    I'll gas up the jet for you tonight.
    Baby you could have where ever you like,
    I said you could have where ever you like. / ihan mitä vaan ;) <3 /

  • No Matta What You Do, No Matta What You Say,
    No Matta How Far You Go, Dont Take Your Love Away,
    Because I Love You And Girl I Want You ,
    And Girl I Need You So Lets Just Work It Out

  • sannää

    sannääDon't cry for me when I'm gone
    No point of wasted tears, our
    Time will come one day and I'm
    Just confronting my fears

  • Summer turned to winter
    And the snow it turned to rain
    And the rain turned into tears upon your face |
    But still i love u , and never foger u <3

  • Last week - I saw a film
    As I recall it was a horror film
    Walked outside into the rain,Checked my phone and saw you rang and I

  • sannää

    sannääStay with me don't fall asleep
    Too soon, the angels can wait
    For a moment. <3
    this is something what i dont want to lost <3

tuolt varjost näkyy mun HYVÄ RYHTI , SIX PÄCK <3
fucking motafoka

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