
ViihdepalloPerjantai 30.09.2011 19:59

Don't waste your life playing stupid lil' games.
And I'll Tell you this right now,
Some of you have to get out of facebook, you need to get ofline.
Just quit playing with people and talking and riding little things
like you were a little girl.You need to become a man,
and start doing things that man of god do.
Be men, act like men!
Go out there and die for something worth dying for!
Go out there and live for something worth living for!
Very Important! Give your life for something!
I mean quit all this other stuff.
If you know all the stars and fashion
and all the cool things and what's going on in Internet
and what's going on in fashion and this and that.
And everything else, stop it! Who cares?!

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