


Born this way // We are not just art for Micheangelo

207. noniiiPerjantai 04.03.2011 18:55

Day 01 - Your favorite picture of Lady Gaga
Day 02 - Your favorite Lady Gaga video
Day 03 - Your least favorite Lady Gaga video
Day 04 - Your favorite Lady Gaga song
Day 05 - Your favorite Lady Gaga GIF
Day 06 - Your favorite Lady Gaga quote
Day 07 - Your favorite Lady Gaga outfit
Day 08 - A rumor you believed about Lady Gaga
Day 09 - A video of Lady Gaga. Any kind of Video.
Day 10 - A song from The Fame Monster and why you decided this one.
Day 11 - A song from The Fame and why you decided this one
Day 12 - The song that got you lovin Gaga and why
Day 13 - A Lady Gaga song you could never get tired of and why
Day 14 - A letter youÂ’d write to Lady Gaga if she could read it
Day 15 - A song that you can relate to by Lady Gaga if not, a video you could never get tired of seeing.
Day 16 - Something you absolutely love about Lady Gaga
Day 17 - Your favourite tumblr dedicated to Lady Gaga
Day 18 - A Lady Gaga GIF that makes you laugh all the time
Day 19 - The very first Lady Gaga song you heard
Day 20 - A song from an artist who should work with Lady Gaga
Day 21 - Your least favourite Lady Gaga song
Day 22 - The last Lady Gaga song you listened to
Day 23 - A picture of Stefani Germanotta
Day 24 - A song from an Artist Lady Gaga should never work with
Day 25 - Something that you own that reminds you of Lady Gaga
Day 26 - A picture or song that shows perfectly why you love Lady Gaga
Day 27 - A picture or song that would have made you dislike Lady Gaga
Day 28 - A picture that shows Lady GagaÂ’s fashion
Day 29 - A still picture from the video Telephone that you love
Day 30 - Write a paragraph about the things you love about Lady Gaga

206. day twoPerjantai 04.03.2011 00:18

Day 01 - Your favorite picture of Lady Gaga
Day 02 - Your favorite Lady Gaga video
Day 03 - Your least favorite Lady Gaga video
Day 04 - Your favorite Lady Gaga song
Day 05 - Your favorite Lady Gaga GIF
Day 06 - Your favorite Lady Gaga quote
Day 07 - Your favorite Lady Gaga outfit
Day 08 - A rumor you believed about Lady Gaga
Day 09 - A video of Lady Gaga. Any kind of Video.
Day 10 - A song from The Fame Monster and why you decided this one.
Day 11 - A song from The Fame and why you decided this one
Day 12 - The song that got you lovin Gaga and why
Day 13 - A Lady Gaga song you could never get tired of and why
Day 14 - A letter you’d write to Lady Gaga if she could read it
Day 15 - A song that you can relate to by Lady Gaga if not, a video you could never get tired of seeing.
Day 16 - Something you absolutely love about Lady Gaga
Day 17 - Your favourite tumblr dedicated to Lady Gaga
Day 18 - A Lady Gaga GIF that makes you laugh all the time
Day 19 - The very first Lady Gaga song you heard
Day 20 - A song from an artist who should work with Lady Gaga
Day 21 - Your least favourite Lady Gaga song
Day 22 - The last Lady Gaga song you listened to
Day 23 - A picture of Stefani Germanotta
Day 24 - A song from an Artist Lady Gaga should never work with
Day 25 - Something that you own that reminds you of Lady Gaga
Day 26 - A picture or song that shows perfectly why you love Lady Gaga
Day 27 - A picture or song that would have made you dislike Lady Gaga
Day 28 - A picture that shows Lady Gaga’s fashion
Day 29 - A still picture from the video Telephone that you love
Day 30 - Write a paragraph about the things you love about Lady Gaga

205. Kuopio,3.3Torstai 03.03.2011 20:09

Oltiin kuopiossa taas vaihteeks tänään mutta aika perseestä; mulla ei ollu KYSissä ku pari aikaa varattu ja sit siinä yhessäki mikälie-tutkimuksessa meni vaan joku minuutti ja sitte oltas päästy pois mutta eij kun meillä oli vielä toinen juttuki varattu samalle päivälle ja eikun sinne JONOTTAMAAN ! perkele sainkin sitte oottaa siellä sen 4 TUNTIA ! >:( että KIITOS TEILLE ! Sitte lisäks ruokaki myöhästy, vitut -.-'

Mutta siis kaupoilla käytiin mutta ei mtn kovin erikoista löytyny paitti mulle housut ja öö.. jottain.


204. alotinpaKeskiviikko 02.03.2011 23:48

Day 01 - Your favorite picture of Lady Gaga
Day 02 - Your favorite Lady Gaga video
Day 03 - Your least favorite Lady Gaga video
Day 04 - Your favorite Lady Gaga song
Day 05 - Your favorite Lady Gaga GIF
Day 06 - Your favorite Lady Gaga quote
Day 07 - Your favorite Lady Gaga outfit
Day 08 - A rumor you believed about Lady Gaga
Day 09 - A video of Lady Gaga. Any kind of Video.
Day 10 - A song from The Fame Monster and why you decided this one.
Day 11 - A song from The Fame and why you decided this one
Day 12 - The song that got you lovin Gaga and why
Day 13 - A Lady Gaga song you could never get tired of and why
Day 14 - A letter youÂ’d write to Lady Gaga if she could read it
Day 15 - A song that you can relate to by Lady Gaga if not, a video you could never get tired of seeing.
Day 16 - Something you absolutely love about Lady Gaga
Day 17 - Your favourite tumblr dedicated to Lady Gaga
Day 18 - A Lady Gaga GIF that makes you laugh all the time
Day 19 - The very first Lady Gaga song you heard
Day 20 - A song from an artist who should work with Lady Gaga
Day 21 - Your least favourite Lady Gaga song
Day 22 - The last Lady Gaga song you listened to
Day 23 - A picture of Stefani Germanotta
Day 24 - A song from an Artist Lady Gaga should never work with
Day 25 - Something that you own that reminds you of Lady Gaga
Day 26 - A picture or song that shows perfectly why you love Lady Gaga
Day 27 - A picture or song that would have made you dislike Lady Gaga
Day 28 - A picture that shows Lady GagaÂ’s fashion
Day 29 - A still picture from the video Telephone that you love
Day 30 - Write a paragraph about the things you love about Lady Gaga

203. Goverment HookerKeskiviikko 02.03.2011 23:38

Jep jep, kymmeneltä alkaa Thierry Mugler muotinäytös ja siinä kuullaan Gagalta uutta musaa <3 naminami
'' Meillä ei tänä vuonna oo perunalaatikkoo ollenkaan koska perunassa on kauheesti hiilareita ''

'' Tänne voi tulla ihan minkämaalaisia miehiä vaan meidän kanssa nii meillä on pötyä pöydässä. Aika seksikästä, eikö vain? ''

'' Täällä me ollaan sisarukset oikein leipomistouhuissa piparit kuumina ''

'' Tutkimusten mukaan punanen on se joka on ihmisten mielestä just se joulun väri ''

'' Tai et mä oon sillee aika seksikäs miehet pitää kosteista naisista kyllähän sä tiedät ''

'' Tää oli varmaan kuten tiesittekin petteri.. petteri nenänpää ''

201. KotonapaTiistai 01.03.2011 17:53

Kotona tänään sairastelemassa, käytiin aamulla kylällä ja aika sikana tuli kaikkee kaupasta ostettua, enimmäkseen kylläki vaan ruokaa :)

200. TällästäTiistai 01.03.2011 00:32

Ärsytti kyllä tänään ku tyypit meinas pakottaa mut pelaan siihen kaukalopalloo ja sitte itki mulle ku en pelaa, että eivät saa joukkuetta.. Mulle ihan sama miten vaan mutta MINÄ EN PELAA!Hävettää jo valmiiks jos joutus pelaan... Mutta onneks ne sai tehtyy joukkueet koska Aleksi feat Kumppanit ois tappanu mut jos ne ei ois saanu joukkuetta <3

Tällästä paskaa.. Yhyy kipeenä mut pittää kuitenki aamulla käydä kylällä ja sitte jos kotiin lepäileen <3

199. this is manifesto of mother monsterMaanantai 28.02.2011 22:30

Noniin, video tuli :)

Eka kattomalta olin sillee O.o mut sitte ku katoin toisen kerran nii alko älytä, mutta toi synnytyskohta.. hyi :/

Muuten iha ok video :--)

198.i was born this wayMaanantai 28.02.2011 18:16

1 tunti 45 min !