


Born this way // We are not just art for Micheangelo

265.Keskiviikko 30.03.2011 23:49

Day 01 - Your favorite picture of Lady Gaga
Day 02 - Your favorite Lady Gaga video
Day 03 - Your least favorite Lady Gaga video
Day 04 - Your favorite Lady Gaga song
Day 05 - Your favorite Lady Gaga GIF
Day 06 - Your favorite Lady Gaga quote
Day 07 - Your favorite Lady Gaga outfit
Day 08 - A rumor you believed about Lady Gaga
Day 09 - A video of Lady Gaga. Any kind of Video.
Day 10 - A song from The Fame Monster and why you decided this one.
Day 11 - A song from The Fame and why you decided this one
Day 12 - The song that got you lovin Gaga and why
Day 13 - A Lady Gaga song you could never get tired of and why
Day 14 - A letter youÂ’d write to Lady Gaga if she could read it
Day 15 - A song that you can relate to by Lady Gaga if not, a video you could never get tired of seeing.
Day 16 - Something you absolutely love about Lady Gaga
Day 17 - Your favourite tumblr dedicated to Lady Gaga
Day 18 - A Lady Gaga GIF that makes you laugh all the time
Day 19 - The very first Lady Gaga song you heard
Day 20 - A song from an artist who should work with Lady Gaga
Day 21 - Your least favourite Lady Gaga song
Day 22 - The last Lady Gaga song you listened to
Day 23 - A picture of Stefani Germanotta
Day 24 - A song from an Artist Lady Gaga should never work with
Day 25 - Something that you own that reminds you of Lady Gaga
Day 26 - A picture or song that shows perfectly why you love Lady Gaga
Day 27 - A picture or song that would have made you dislike Lady Gaga
Day 28 - A picture that shows Lady GagaÂ’s fashion
Day 29 - A still picture from the video Telephone that you love
Day 30 - Write a paragraph about the things you love about Lady Gaga

No kappaleista varmasti kaikki, mutta tällä hetkellä Born this way.

Öhm en keksi nyt mitään yhtä kuvaa ku kaikki suuunnilleen sopii toho :D

264. Kuopio, 30.3Keskiviikko 30.03.2011 22:11

Kuopiossa tuli taas käytyä; Kyssillä meni jotain 3 tuntia ja sitte päästiin kaupoille. Ekas käytiin Seppälässä kattoon oliks ne yhet farkut joita viimeks himosin nii siel enää, mut ei näkyny :(

Sitte äiti meni kahville ja mä kävin kirjakaupassa joddain mut en ostanu mtn. Ahh, muuten nytte kun on keskiviikko nii ilmestyy yleensä kaikki uudet levyt ja näky kirjakaupassaki esim: Britneyn Femme Fatale <3 Himoitsin sitä mutten ostanu kun oon jo kuunnellu niit netistä ja aattelin säästää rahoja sitte toukokuuta varten. Lisäks näky Abreun uus Rush levy mut en ois sitä muutenkaa ostanu ;>

Sit kävästiin Anttilassa ja sielki oli taas lisää levyjä nammm ♥ Oli mm: Se Ke$han uus IATDC+ICYTD:THE REMIX ALBUM. Siinä on hieno kansi ja halusin ostaa sen mutta päätin, että kuuntelen netistä ne remixit ♥

Seuraavaks käytiin Äxässä, että oisin hakenu sen CS.n mut sit se tyyppi ei heti löytäny sitä nii käytiin sillä välin muualla ja tultiin myöhemmin takas ni se oli onneks löytäny sen♥ ah se on varmasti paras ♥

Käytiin välissä kirpparilla ja halpa-kirjassa + Madu Shopissa ''sikanopee'' ja ostin sieltä sellasen bioflex materiaali korun jonka ''koruna'' on sellanen hopeinen piikki. Ah se on hieno ♥

NIIN ja koska olen tyhmä ihminen niin... Tein sitte rustokorun kolmannen kerran uusix :DD Just ku kirjotin vähä aikaa sitte tänne, etten tee enää rustoo niin eikös himo tullu... Mutta siis se piikkikoru sopii tosi hyvin siihe vaikka se reikä saattaa olla vähä vinossa mutta mitäs pienistä ♥

AIINIININININNI sitte löysin myös sen yhen kauan odottamani lehen jossa on GAGAGAGAGA kannessa ja ah se on paras ♥
+ Cittarista sain sellasen AngryBirds reppuun laitettavan punasen birdsin ;D se on hieno

263.Keskiviikko 30.03.2011 00:47

Day 01 - Your favorite picture of Lady Gaga
Day 02 - Your favorite Lady Gaga video
Day 03 - Your least favorite Lady Gaga video
Day 04 - Your favorite Lady Gaga song
Day 05 - Your favorite Lady Gaga GIF
Day 06 - Your favorite Lady Gaga quote
Day 07 - Your favorite Lady Gaga outfit
Day 08 - A rumor you believed about Lady Gaga
Day 09 - A video of Lady Gaga. Any kind of Video.
Day 10 - A song from The Fame Monster and why you decided this one.
Day 11 - A song from The Fame and why you decided this one
Day 12 - The song that got you lovin Gaga and why
Day 13 - A Lady Gaga song you could never get tired of and why
Day 14 - A letter youÂ’d write to Lady Gaga if she could read it
Day 15 - A song that you can relate to by Lady Gaga if not, a video you could never get tired of seeing.
Day 16 - Something you absolutely love about Lady Gaga
Day 17 - Your favourite tumblr dedicated to Lady Gaga
Day 18 - A Lady Gaga GIF that makes you laugh all the time
Day 19 - The very first Lady Gaga song you heard
Day 20 - A song from an artist who should work with Lady Gaga
Day 21 - Your least favourite Lady Gaga song
Day 22 - The last Lady Gaga song you listened to
Day 23 - A picture of Stefani Germanotta
Day 24 - A song from an Artist Lady Gaga should never work with
Day 25 - Something that you own that reminds you of Lady Gaga
Day 26 - A picture or song that shows perfectly why you love Lady Gaga
Day 27 - A picture or song that would have made you dislike Lady Gaga
Day 28 - A picture that shows Lady GagaÂ’s fashion
Day 29 - A still picture from the video Telephone that you love
Day 30 - Write a paragraph about the things you love about Lady Gaga

Ööö.. noi esim :D --> GAGAHOLISTIC

262. kniniininininiTiistai 29.03.2011 19:46

Huomenna Kuopioon --> hakeen levyt yms muuta shopattavaa no + kys -.-

261. Day 24Tiistai 29.03.2011 00:02

Day 01 - Your favorite picture of Lady Gaga
Day 02 - Your favorite Lady Gaga video
Day 03 - Your least favorite Lady Gaga video
Day 04 - Your favorite Lady Gaga song
Day 05 - Your favorite Lady Gaga GIF
Day 06 - Your favorite Lady Gaga quote
Day 07 - Your favorite Lady Gaga outfit
Day 08 - A rumor you believed about Lady Gaga
Day 09 - A video of Lady Gaga. Any kind of Video.
Day 10 - A song from The Fame Monster and why you decided this one.
Day 11 - A song from The Fame and why you decided this one
Day 12 - The song that got you lovin Gaga and why
Day 13 - A Lady Gaga song you could never get tired of and why
Day 14 - A letter youÂ’d write to Lady Gaga if she could read it
Day 15 - A song that you can relate to by Lady Gaga if not, a video you could never get tired of seeing.
Day 16 - Something you absolutely love about Lady Gaga
Day 17 - Your favourite tumblr dedicated to Lady Gaga
Day 18 - A Lady Gaga GIF that makes you laugh all the time
Day 19 - The very first Lady Gaga song you heard
Day 20 - A song from an artist who should work with Lady Gaga
Day 21 - Your least favourite Lady Gaga song
Day 22 - The last Lady Gaga song you listened to
Day 23 - A picture of Stefani Germanotta
Day 24 - A song from an Artist Lady Gaga should never work with
Day 25 - Something that you own that reminds you of Lady Gaga
Day 26 - A picture or song that shows perfectly why you love Lady Gaga
Day 27 - A picture or song that would have made you dislike Lady Gaga
Day 28 - A picture that shows Lady GagaÂ’s fashion
Day 29 - A still picture from the video Telephone that you love
Day 30 - Write a paragraph about the things you love about Lady Gaga


260. GAGA'S B-DAY !!Maanantai 28.03.2011 23:55


It doesn't matter if you love him, or capital H-I-M
Just put your paws up
'Cause you were born this way, baby

259. no siis LOLMaanantai 28.03.2011 01:50

APUWAA! huomenna se ihme ahistava hojks-palveri feat. Opo & Erkka & äiti ♥ Onneks en ees kuole sinne, ku opo rupee kuitenki valittaan numeroista -.- Mut ainoo hyvä juttu siinä on, että pääsee pois musiikin tunneilta; kuitenki soitetaan jtn kitaraa sillo nii aika perseestä ois jos joutus soittaa.

MONTAKO PÄIVÄÄ ÖKÖT JA MOPOT ! HÄH ! No okei onhan niit viel, mutta siis 9 VIIKKOA ♥♥♥

258. no jos tylsääSunnuntai 27.03.2011 18:35

Olen: Toni
Haluan: Tahkolle ♥
Minulla on: Tylsää
Pelkään: Tanskaa?
En ole: Telkkari..
Laulan: Tyhmästi
Eläin jota muistutan: Tanskandoggi
Äidinkieli: Tanska
Rakastan: Tyhmyyttäni
Asun: Tallissa
Oletko pilvessä: Tietty
Minne joudut vanhana: Tielle

257. Day 22 & 23Sunnuntai 27.03.2011 18:12

Day 01 - Your favorite picture of Lady Gaga
Day 02 - Your favorite Lady Gaga video
Day 03 - Your least favorite Lady Gaga video
Day 04 - Your favorite Lady Gaga song
Day 05 - Your favorite Lady Gaga GIF
Day 06 - Your favorite Lady Gaga quote
Day 07 - Your favorite Lady Gaga outfit
Day 08 - A rumor you believed about Lady Gaga
Day 09 - A video of Lady Gaga. Any kind of Video.
Day 10 - A song from The Fame Monster and why you decided this one.
Day 11 - A song from The Fame and why you decided this one
Day 12 - The song that got you lovin Gaga and why
Day 13 - A Lady Gaga song you could never get tired of and why
Day 14 - A letter youÂ’d write to Lady Gaga if she could read it
Day 15 - A song that you can relate to by Lady Gaga if not, a video you could never get tired of seeing.
Day 16 - Something you absolutely love about Lady Gaga
Day 17 - Your favourite tumblr dedicated to Lady Gaga
Day 18 - A Lady Gaga GIF that makes you laugh all the time
Day 19 - The very first Lady Gaga song you heard
Day 20 - A song from an artist who should work with Lady Gaga
Day 21 - Your least favourite Lady Gaga song
Day 22 - The last Lady Gaga song you listened to
Day 23 - A picture of Stefani Germanotta
Day 24 - A song from an Artist Lady Gaga should never work with
Day 25 - Something that you own that reminds you of Lady Gaga
Day 26 - A picture or song that shows perfectly why you love Lady Gaga
Day 27 - A picture or song that would have made you dislike Lady Gaga
Day 28 - A picture that shows Lady GagaÂ’s fashion
Day 29 - A still picture from the video Telephone that you love
Day 30 - Write a paragraph about the things you love about Lady Gaga

DAY 22: Born this way äsken ♥

DAY 23:

256. Day 20 & 21Perjantai 25.03.2011 22:57

Day 01 - Your favorite picture of Lady Gaga
Day 02 - Your favorite Lady Gaga video
Day 03 - Your least favorite Lady Gaga video
Day 04 - Your favorite Lady Gaga song
Day 05 - Your favorite Lady Gaga GIF
Day 06 - Your favorite Lady Gaga quote
Day 07 - Your favorite Lady Gaga outfit
Day 08 - A rumor you believed about Lady Gaga
Day 09 - A video of Lady Gaga. Any kind of Video.
Day 10 - A song from The Fame Monster and why you decided this one.
Day 11 - A song from The Fame and why you decided this one
Day 12 - The song that got you lovin Gaga and why
Day 13 - A Lady Gaga song you could never get tired of and why
Day 14 - A letter youÂ’d write to Lady Gaga if she could read it
Day 15 - A song that you can relate to by Lady Gaga if not, a video you could never get tired of seeing.
Day 16 - Something you absolutely love about Lady Gaga
Day 17 - Your favourite tumblr dedicated to Lady Gaga
Day 18 - A Lady Gaga GIF that makes you laugh all the time
Day 19 - The very first Lady Gaga song you heard
Day 20 - A song from an artist who should work with Lady Gaga
Day 21 - Your least favourite Lady Gaga song
Day 22 - The last Lady Gaga song you listened to
Day 23 - A picture of Stefani Germanotta
Day 24 - A song from an Artist Lady Gaga should never work with
Day 25 - Something that you own that reminds you of Lady Gaga
Day 26 - A picture or song that shows perfectly why you love Lady Gaga
Day 27 - A picture or song that would have made you dislike Lady Gaga
Day 28 - A picture that shows Lady GagaÂ’s fashion
Day 29 - A still picture from the video Telephone that you love
Day 30 - Write a paragraph about the things you love about Lady Gaga

DAY 20:

Ehdottomasti Ke$ha, koska siitä voisi tulla jotain hyvin jännittävää :)
+ tietty Britney spears ja Madonnaki olis aika cool varmasti ^^

DAY 21: No jos vaikka Born this way ? ♥