


What does your soul look like?

Stupid girlMaanantai 10.01.2011 21:49

You pretend you're high
Pretend you're bored
Pretend you're anything
Just to be adored
And what you need
Is what you get

Don't believe in fear
Don't believe in faith
Don't believe in anything
That you can't break

You stupid girl
You stupid girl
All you had you wasted
All you had you wasted

What drives you on
Can drive you mad
A million lies to sell yourself
Is all you ever had

Don't believe in love
Don't believe in hate
Don't believe in anything
That you can't waste

You stupid girl
You stupid girl
Can't believe you fake it
Can't believe you fake it

Don't believe in fear
Don't believe in pain
Don't believe in anyone
That you can't tame
Mutta mulla noi näyttäis luultavasti ainoastaan todella tylsiltä :D
Ja mikä toi väri ees on? Vaaleanruskea?

Vai oliko mulla siihen oikeutta

Valintoja, valintojaLauantai 08.01.2011 15:31

Jotka toistuvat muuten joka kerta kun lähden ulos

Joo, pakko lukea uudestaanLauantai 08.01.2011 01:31

TAAS, mutta kun en kestä <3__<3

ps. Tom/Rupert/kuka tahansa paitsi Daniel, take me now

Mielenkiintoisuus 10Lauantai 08.01.2011 00:33


* I’m loud.
* I’m sarcastic.
* I cry easily.
* I have a bad temper.

* I’m easy to get along with.
* I have more enemies than friends.
* I’ve smoked.
* I drink coffee.

* I clean my room daily.

My appearance:

* I wear makeup.
* I wear a piece of jewelry at all times.
* I wear contacts.

* I wear glasses.
* I have braces.
* I change my hair color often.
* I have a piercing.
* I have small feet.


* I’m in a relationship now.  
* I’m single.
* I’m crushin’.
* I’ve missed an ex before.
* I’m always scared of being hurt.
* I’ve told someone I loved them when I didn’t.
* I’ve told someone I didn’t love them when I did.
* I’ve been in love more than two times
* I believe in love at first sight.


* I have a best friend.
* I have at least ten friends.
* I’ve gotten a phone call in the last 48 hours from a friend.

* I’ve beaten up a friend.
* I’ve been in a serious fight with a friend.
* I can trust at least five people with my life.


* I’ve been on a plane.
* I’ve taken a taxi.
* I’ve taken a city bus.
* I’ve taken a school bus.
* I’ve made a speech.
* I’ve been in some sort of club.

* I’ve won an award.
* I’ve spent 24 hours on the computer straight.


* I listen to pop.
* I listen to R&B.
* I listen to techno.
* I listen to rock.

* I’m one of those people who play songs repeatedly until I hate it.
* I download music.
* I buy CD’s.


* I spend at least six hours a day watching television. 
* I’m in love with Days Of Our Lives.
* I’ve seen and liked the O.C.
* I’ve seen and liked One Tree Hill.
* I’ve seen and like America’s Next Top Model.
* I’ve seen and liked CSI.

Family Life:

* I get along with both of my parents.
* My biological parents are still together.
* I have at least one brother.
* I have at least one sister.

* I’ve been kicked out of the house.
* I’ve ran away from my home.
* I’ve sworn at my parents.
* I’ve made my parents cry.
* I’ve lied to my parents.
* I’ve lied to my parents about where I am.
* I’ve lied to my parents about what I’m doing.
* I’ve lied to my parents so I’d be allowed out.


* I’ve been brown. 
* I’ve had streaks.
* I’ve cut my hair in the past year.
* I’ve dyed my hair in the past year.
* I’ve been blonde.
* I’ve had black.
* I’ve been red.
* I’ve been light brown.
* I use conditioner.
* I’ve curled my hair.
* I’ve straightened my hair.

DLDLDLDLDLDLLauantai 08.01.2011 00:17

Radcliffe parka, kun Rupert Grint ja Tom Felton kasvoivat 4000 kertaa kuumemmiksi.

SIIS MITÄ HELLLLLL?!??!Torstai 06.01.2011 19:04

16:31Torstai 06.01.2011 18:31

Että huomenta vaan kaikille!