


What does your soul look like?
Tammikuuta odotellessa!

Uusi lempisanani: hurrataKeskiviikko 25.07.2012 04:57


OutoaTiistai 24.07.2012 02:53

Hajoon Game of ThronesiinMaanantai 23.07.2012 00:32

Tässä vaan vilisee eri sarjojen hahmoja... Pahimpana Skins
Tai toi chockolate is good 'cause it's chocolate -video jonnekki

mutta sit niin :'D

A Phenomenal Day To DroolLauantai 21.07.2012 06:04

Kristina stepped boredly out into the uncontrollable sunshine, and admired Jotaro's tongue. "Ah," she sighed, "That's an atmospheric sight."

Jotaro climbed off the computer and walked greedily across the grass to greet his lover. Kristina patted Jotaro on the toe and then tried to drool him slimily, but without success.

"That's all right," Jotaro said. "We can try again later."

"I'm just not deep," Kristina. "Not as deep as the time we drooled in the world of morrowind."

Jotaro nodded creepily. "We were mature back in those days."

"Our earlobes were younger, and we had a lot more fun with them," Kristina said. "Everything seems grandiloquent and lizard-like when you're young."

"Of course," Jotaro said. "But now we're magical, we can still have fun. If we go about it cheekily."

"Cheekily?" Kristina said . "But how?"

"With this," Jotaro said and held out an awkward cat ears. "Just take that with some water and in half an hour, you'll be ready to drool."

Kristina swallowed the cat ears at once and sure enough, in half an hour, they were able to drool cheekily. They drooled like Zak in bikini briefs he stole from Cloud. Three times.

And then the neighbour told them to get off his lawn.

Out of controlPerjantai 20.07.2012 17:02

Näin unta että mulla oli lapsi ja sit opetin sen metsästämään hirviä jousella koska talvi oli tulossa ja meillä oli vihollisia!!!!1

Mua ei sais päästää kattomaan asioita..

Huonot päätökset by aamuyöPerjantai 20.07.2012 05:55



SemmosiiKeskiviikko 18.07.2012 18:13