


gaggara maggara! Kakara Pakara!!!!

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[Ei aihetta]Keskiviikko 29.08.2007 20:26

There's a place I go when I'm alone
Do anything I want, be anyone I wanna be
But it is us I see
And I cannot believe I'm falling

That's where I'm going, where are you going
Hold it close, won't let this go
Dream catch me when I fall
Or else I won't come back at all

I see you as a mountain, a fountain of God
I see you as a descant soul in the setting sun
You as the sound of desire, of this love
IÂ’m gone

[Ei aihetta]Tiistai 28.08.2007 18:08

I could have been someone
Well so could anyone
You took my dreams from me
When I first found you
I kept them with me babe
I put them with my own
Can't make it all alone
I've built my dreams around you

[Ei aihetta]Tiistai 28.08.2007 15:10

voi ei mua vaha pelottaa.. mamma sano et sil on mulle ja isille joku synttari yllatys ens keskiviikkona.. kaaak !! en tykkaa yllatyksista !

[Ei aihetta]Sunnuntai 26.08.2007 23:09

Bloodhoundgang ----> Nosturi

[Ei aihetta]Sunnuntai 26.08.2007 23:09

Bloodhoundgang ----> Nosturi

[Ei aihetta]Lauantai 25.08.2007 17:06

And suddenly
I become a part of your past
I'm becoming the part
That don't last
I'm losing you
And its effortless

Without a sound
We lose sight of the ground
In the throw around
Never thought that you wanted
To bring it down
I won't let it go down
'Till we torch it ourselves

[Ei aihetta]Lauantai 25.08.2007 16:45

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[x] saanut uuden kaverin
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[x] lähettänyt tekstiviestin väärään numeroon
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[x] ostanut kengät
[x] tuhlannut yli 200e vaatteisiin
[x] käynyt kahvilassa
[x] matkustanut autolla yli 300 km
[ ] rullaluistellut
[ ] tappanut ampiaisen
[ ] puhunut mummolleni
[x] ollut häissä
[ ] ollut polttareissa
[ ] käynyt hammaslääkärissä
[x] ostanut farkut
[x] käynyt helsingissä
[ ] ollut mökillä
[x] juonut alkoholia
[ ] uinut alasti
[ ] patikoinut metsässä
[ ] ollut kuumeessa
[ ] vahtinut lapsia
[x] kastellut kukkia
[ ] ajanut nurmikkoa
[x] ollut piknikillä
[x] käyttänyt lacosten paitaa
[x] suuttunut kaverille
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[ ] ollut vaahtokylvyssä
[x] syönyt herneitä
[x] käynyt naapurin pihalla
[ ] käynyt espanjassa, kreikassa tai italiassa
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[x] matkustanut ratikalla
[x] käyttänyt korkokenkiä
[x] leiponut
[x] epäonnistunut ruoanlaitossa
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[en viela. kohta olen] viettänyt synttäreitäni
[x] ollut mustasukkainen
[ ] viillellyt
[x] ollut krapulassa
[ ] ostanut demi kalenterin
[ ] käynyt lapissa
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[ ] kävellyt unissaan
[x] puhunut tyhmiä humalassa
[ ] oksentanut
[ ] karannut kotoa
[ ] ajanut mopolla
[x] ollut ulkona kavereiden kanssa yli 01:00
[ ] ruskettunut selkeästi
[x] antanut hyttysen pistää
[ ] ajanut autoa
[ ] nähnyt hirven
[ ] nähnyt kyyn
[x] pelännyt pimeää
[x] katsellut tähtiä
[ ] kiikaroinut
[ ] ollut rannalla isossa porukassa
[x] valokuvannut
[ ] katsonut conan o'brienia
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[ ] juossut yli 5km putkeen
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[x] pelannut pelikoneella
[ ] hävinnyt vedonlyönnin
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[ ] saanut syvän haavan jalkaani
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[ ] ostanut minihameen
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[x] pelästyttänyt kaverini
[ ] ampunut vesipyssyllä
[ ] heitellyt vesi-ilmapalloja
[x] ollut onnellinen
[x] ollut masentunut
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[ ] ollut kuumailmapallon kyydissä
[ ] käynyt serenassa
[ ] ollut ihastukseni seurassa kahdestaan
[x] ostanut kumisaappaat
[x] vältellyt jonkun ihmisen seuraa
[x] ollut vainoharhainen
[x] pelannut biljardia
[ ] sytyttänyt tulipalon
[ ] soittanut hätänumeroon
[ ] syönyt banaanin

[Ei aihetta]Lauantai 25.08.2007 16:34

aliisan rippijuhlat. !

[Ei aihetta]Perjantai 24.08.2007 18:13

walking away.. ??

[Ei aihetta]Torstai 23.08.2007 20:54

A crash of drums
A flash of light
My golden coat flew out of sight
The colors faded into darkness
I was left alone

May I return
To the beginning
The light is dimming
And the dream is, too
The world and I
We are still waiting
Still hesitating
Any dream will do.

Someone turn me around
Can I start this again?

How can we wear our smiles
With our mouths wide shut
Cause you stopped us from singing

I can't shake this feeling I've got
My dirty hands, have I been in the wars?
The saddest thing that I'd ever seen
Were smokers outside the hospital doors

Someone turn me around
Can I start this again?
Now someone turn us around
Can we start this again?

We've all been changed
From what we were
Our broken parts
Left smashed on the floor

I can't believe you
If I can't hear you
I can't believe you
If I can't see you .

I never been on my own that way, just sat by myself all day.

Wish I was sober
So I could see clearly now
The rain has gone.

I guess it's over
My memory plays our tune
The same old song.

one night to be confused
one night to speed up truth
we had a promise made
four hands and then away

both under influence
we had devine scent
to know what to say
mind is a razorblade

one night of magic rush
the start a simple touch
one night to push and scream
and then relief

ten days of perfect tunes
the colors red and blue
we had a promise made
we were in love

and you, you knew the hand of the devil
and you, kept us awake with wolfs teeth
sharing different heartbeats
in one night.