


has a serious attitude(problem).

[Ei aihetta]Keskiviikko 08.04.2009 12:52

Reeeeeeepooooooooo Maaaaaaaaaaan will come and I'll pay for my sleep debt.

[Ei aihetta]Perjantai 03.04.2009 00:07

Nightwishilla päätöskeikka syyskuussa Helsingissä. Nyt on sellainen fiilis, kun aloin ajattelemaan asiaa että... vaivun sekavuustilaan.

Maanantaina liput myyntiin.

Ariel - October ProjectLauantai 21.03.2009 18:40

My name is Ariel
And I want to be free
It is your sorrow
That has made a slave of me
Forgive me
But you are all I know
Forgive me for leaving

The day is breaking now
It's time to go away
I'm so afraid to leave
But more afraid to stay
Forgive me
For leaving
The sadness in your eyes
Forgive me

Let the wind and ocean water
Wash across your hands
Wash away a thousand footsteps
Was us all away
Like sand

The sky has fallen
Now the earth is dry and torn
I know your're tired
From the violence of the storm
I love you

I love you
But you are all i know
Forgive me

Let the wind and ocean water
Wash across your hands
Wash away a thousand footsteps
Wash us all away

Let the wind and ocean water
Wash across your hands
Wash away a thousand memories
Wash us all away
Like sand

My name is Ariel

[Ei aihetta]Torstai 19.03.2009 23:18

Joku Hans Zimmer-mania. <3 Piratesin & Gladiaattorin scoret hyllyyn, pakko saada! Ää, Pariisis on parasta olla paljon elokuvamusiikkia. Niin paljon soundtrackeja mitä haluais kuunnella.

[Ei aihetta]Keskiviikko 18.03.2009 23:00

Oli se korsetissa nukkuminenki lähinnä totuttelukysymys. Mmh.

Dead Boy's PoemTiistai 17.03.2009 01:03

"I live no more to shame, nor me, nor you, I'm sorry"

Born from silence, silence full of it
A perfect concert my best friend
So much to live for, so much to die for
If only my heart had a home

Sing what you can't say
Forget what you can't play
Hasten to drown into beautiful eyes
Walk within my poetry, this dying music
- My loveletter to nobody

Never sigh for better world
It's already composed, played and told
Every thought the music I write
Everything a wish for the night

Wrote for the eclipse, wrote for the virgin
Died for the beauty the one in the garden
Created a kingdom, reached for the wisdom
Failed in becoming a god

Never sigh...

"If you read this line, remember not the hand that wrote it
Remember only the verse, songmaker's cry the one without tears
For I've given this its strength and it has become my only strength.
Comforting home, mother's lap, chance for immortality
where being wanted became a thrill I never knew
The sweet piano writing down my life"

"Teach me passion for I fear it's gone
Show me love, hold the lorn
So much more I wanted to give to the ones who love me
I'm sorry
Time will tell (this bitter farewell)
I live no more to shame nor me nor you
And you... I wish I didn't feel for you anymore..."

A lonely soul
An ocean soul


I'll fly away.Sunnuntai 15.03.2009 22:11

Viikko Pariisiin. Voi miks laihdun vain jaloista? ;<

Ei reilua, katson livepätkää Dead Boy's Poemista 2 ensimmäistä sekuntia ja alan vetistelemään. Tulee varmaan vaikeet hetket keikalla, jos se soitetaan siellä. <3

Mary Fahl - I'm Going Home Tiistai 03.03.2009 12:13

They say there's a place
where dreams have all gone
They never said where
but I think I know
It's miles through the night
just over the dawn
on the road that will take me home

I know in my bones
I've been here before
The ground feels the same
though the land's been torn
I've a long way to go
The stars tell me so
on this road that will take me home

Love waits for me 'round the bend
Leads me endlessly on
Surely sorrows shall find their end
and all our troubles will be gone
And I'll know what I've lost
and all that I've won
when the road finally takes me home

And when I pass by
don't lead me astray
Don't try to stop me
Don't stand in my way
I'm bound for the hills
where cool waters flow
on this road that will take me home

Love waits for me 'round the bend
Leads me endlessly on
Surely sorrows shall find their end
and all our troubles will be gone
And we'll know what we've lost
and all that we've won
when the road finally takes me home

I'm going home
I'm going home
I'm going home

Press it!Torstai 26.02.2009 00:12


[Ei aihetta]Perjantai 20.02.2009 12:40

My Dying Bride Tuskaan. Rakkaus. <3