


The Bird of the Hermes is my name, eating my wings to make me tame.

FiilisTiistai 14.10.2008 05:24

Had crushed glass in my eyes, but still my vision stays clear. Hatred runs trough my veins, misanthropic is my mind. I have seen you all before, you and your "better life". In order to maintain your peace you must begin war. (And you will fall)

The code in my mind: survival of the strongest. Programmed in your mind: "I am God"

Where ever I go there shall be hell, for I am bringer of hell. I show you this new empire made of pain.

Your truths are false to me, you try to be something that you can never be.

Had rusty nails go trough my temples, but still my thoughts runs clear. Torture runs trough my veins, destructive is my mind. I have seen you all before, you and your "better life". In order to maintain peace you must begin war. (And you will fall)

The Code in my mind: survival of the strongest.

Where ever I go there shall be hell, for I am bringer of hell. You creatures shaped as man I cannot tolerate.

Your truths are false to me, you try to be something that you can never be.

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