


enjoy the little things in life. for some day you'll look back and realize they were the big things

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ufoilen joskus ja se on ihan okei c:Perjantai 07.06.2013 00:49

oikeesti ihmiset on maailman kieroituneita olentoja!
ONGELMA RATKASTU!!! alan sateenkaari ufoks nii kaikki on hyvin!
Now is the time, now is the hour.
To take back my heart, to take back my power.
This is the moment to break your spell.
I see right through you,
Now burn in Hell.

Þetta er það lengsta sem ég fer.
Aldrei aftur samur maður er.
Ljöta leiðin heillar nú á ný,
daginn sem ég lífið aftur flý.

Ef ég vinn í þetta eina sinn,
er það samt dauði minn.
Trú min er að allt fari ej vel.
Þessu er lokið hja mér.

Dag sem nótt hjartað var órótt.
Þrotið þol lamað bros.
Áfram ríð, hjartað pumpar tárum.
Dag sem nótt ég geng nú einn.

Grafin bein grotna í jörðunni,
eins og leyndarmálin þín
sem þú hélst forðum burt frá mér.
En blóðið þyngr´en þögnin er.

Svikin orð, grót í kjafti þér,
rista dýpra en nokkur sár.
Brotin bönd aldrei verða söm.
Lygar eins og nöðrubit.
Try to align


This is the furthest I will go.
Never the same again.
The vile path calling me,
the day I ran from life again.

If I win this one time,
it will still be the end of me.
My belief that nothing ends well.
This is the end for me.

Day and night heart was uneased.
Broken will frozen smile.
Riding on, heart pumping tears.
Day and night I walk alone.

Bones rotting in the earth,
like your secrets
that you long kept from me.
But blood weighs more than silence.

Broken words, shards in your mouth,
cut deeper than any wound.
Broken vows will never be the same.
Lies like the viper's bite.

[Ei aihetta]Tiistai 04.06.2013 14:20

Live fast, die beautiful!
I will always stand my ground,
Till I'm six feet underground,
You will always hear my sound, I'm breathing,
I will always hold my own,
They will judge and throw their stones,
They will never steal my soul, I'm breathing,
I am alive, I am alive, I am alive

I'll never hesitate,
I'll never let you take,
This kingdom that I've made,
I alone survive
Don't need you telling me,
That my life is just a dream,
I'll beat my enemies,
I alone survive
Yeah, yeah, I alone survive

I will never come undone,
I'm the bullet in the gun,
Hear my heart kick like a drum, still beating,
Have I fallen in a dream
Full of pain and misery,
I'll fly out and spread my wings while screaming,
I am alive, I am alive, I am alive

I'll never hesitate,
I'll never let you take,
This kingdom that I've made,
I alone survive
Don't need you telling me,
That my life is just a dream,
I'll beat my enemies,
I alone survive

And as the sun rises,
I'm faced with these choices,
And it's always up to me,
They won't destroy my dreams

Don't need you telling me,
That my life is just a dream,
I'll beat my enemies,
I alone survive

And as the sun rises,
I'm faced with these choices,
And it's always up to me,
They won't destroy my dreams

I'll never hesitate,
I'll never let you take,
This kingdom that I've made,
I alone survive

[Ei aihetta]Maanantai 03.06.2013 15:24

Me vs Me has always been my biggest fight
We all carry these things inside that no one else can see.
They hold us down like anchors. They drown us out at sea.
I look up to the sky, there may be nothing there to see.
I believe it's time for me to be famous,
And out of place.
I believe it's time for me to move forward,
When I break through.
This time I'll make you,

Proud to see me over, come on day light.
Proud of, who you raised.

Your shelter, your peacefulness.

So this time I'll make you proud.

Proud of who you raised up.
You know that I will
Always be here till' the end.

Come back so I can say thank you for this,
Home cooked meals and a place to rest,
My troubled head when you're away,
I've passed the test, I've earned an A,
Not just in school, but in life,
You'll always be right by my side.
To help me show, hope to all,
That are lost and sick in this dying world.
I'll use the love you left behind,
I'll change their minds, I'll change their minds.

I hope, I hope you smile,
When you look down on me.
I hope you smile.

This can't,
We won't know.
I hope that I make you proud.

This is not what it is, only baby scars.
I need your love like a boy needs his mother's side.
This is not what it is, only baby scars.
I need your love like a boy needs his mother's side.
This is not what it is, only baby scars.
I need your love like a boy needs his mother's side, Yeah

I could never be, what you want me toKeskiviikko 29.05.2013 13:49

It's caving in around me, what I thought was solid ground
I tried to look the other way, but I couldn't turn around
It's ok for you to hate me, for all the things I've done
I've made a few mistakes, but I'm not the only one

Step away from the ledge, I'm coming down
I could never be, what you want me to
You pulled me under, to save yourself (save yourself)
You will never see, what's inside of me
I pull you under, just to save myself

Was there ever any question, on how much I could take
You kept feeding me your bullshit, hoping I would break
It there anybody out there, is there anyone who cares
Is there anybody listening, who will hear my final prayers

Step away from the ledge, I'm coming down
I could never be, what you want me to
You pulled me under, to save yourself (save yourself)
You will never see, what's inside of me
I pull you under, just to save myself

It's caving in around me (caving in, ) it's tearing me apart (tearing me, )
It's all coming down around me (coming down, ) Does anyone anyone care at all
I will never be, what you want me to
You pull me under, I pull you under

I could never be, what you want me to
You pulled me under, to save yourself (save yourself)
You will never see, what's inside of me
I pull you under, just to save myself