


Saatanallisen elämänmuodon puolesta


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USA rakentaa supersotilaitaSunnuntai 11.02.2007 19:35

Yhdysvaltain puolustusministeriö Pentagon on panostanut määrärahojaan hankkeeseen, jonka avulla yritetään rakentaa tähän asti vain tieteiselokuvista tuttuja supersotilaita.

Hankkeen takana on Texasin yliopiston tutkija Ray Baughman, joka on erikoistunut nanoteknologiaan. Baughmanin uuden keksinnön avulla Pentagon toivoo kehittävänsä sotilaille puvun, joka antaisi näille yli-inhimilliset voimat.

Tähän asti liian kömpelöitä

Yhdysvallat on yrittänyt rakentaa sotilailleen modernia haarniskaa jo vuosien ajan, mutta tähän asti kaikki viritelmät ovat olleet liian kömpelöitä, raskaita ja tehottomia tai liian mekaanisia toimiakseen käytännön taistelutehtävissä.

Baughman onnistui kuitenkin kehittämään sellaisia kemiallisesti kasvatettavia nanoputkia, jotka toimivat kuin pienet lihakset. Mikroskooppisen pienet moottorit ovat jopa sata kertaa vahvempia kuin ihmislihakset. Nanoputket voidaan myös helposti pienen kokonsa ansiosta kutoa sisälle kankaaseen.

Voisivat hyppiä muurien yli

Amerikkalaisen Newsweek-lehden mukaan Baughmanin kehittelemän puvun avulla sotilaat voisivat hypätä helposti korkeiden muurienkin yli ja kantaa raskaita esineitä pitkien matkojen päähän. Hieman toisenlainen nanoteknologian sovellus suojaisi sotilaita puolestaan aiempaa tehokkaammin luodeilta.

Lähde: / Juho Rissanen

Poliittisia esimerkkejä tumpeloilleKeskiviikko 17.01.2007 22:15

Sosialismi: Sinulla on kaksi lehmää, annat toisen naapurillesi.

Kommunismi: Sinulla on kaksi lehmää, hallitus ottaa molemmat ja lupaa antaa sinulle maitoa.

Fasismi: Sinulla on kaksi lehmää, hallitus ottaa molemmat ja myy maitosi.

Stalinismi: Sinulla on kaksi lehmää, hallitus ottaa molemmat ja ampuu sinut.

Byrokratia: Sinulla on kaksi lehmää. Hallitus ottaa molemmat, ampuu toisen, lypsää toisen ja kaataa maidon pois.

Kapitalismi: Sinulla on kaksi lehmää, myyt toisen ja ostat sonnin.

Uusliberalismi: Sinulla on kaksi lehmää. Markkinavoimat vievät molemmat, myyvät ne kansainvälisille hampurilaisketjuille ja siirtäävät kustannuksellasi Bangladeshiin.

Anarkismi: Sinulla on kaksi lehmää. Jätät navetan oven auki ja unohdat koko jutun.

EU: Sinulla on kaksi lehmää. Direktiivin mukaan lehmät ovat juureksia ja maito kalasäilyke, joiden tuottamiseen voit anoa vuoristotukea.

Libertariaaninen anarkokapitalismi: Sinulla on kaksi lehmää. Myyt toisen ja ostat sonnin, mutta saatkin huijarilta impotentin härän. Et mahda mitään, koska hallitus ei suojele sinua.

Islamismi: Sinulla on kaksi lehmää. Ne karkaavat naapurin laitumelle ja uhkaavat tappaa kaikki hevoset, jos ne eivät ala käyttäytyä kuin lehmät.

Surrealismi: Sinulla on kaksi kirahvia. Hallitus vaatii sinua ottamaan harmonikkatunteja.

Lähde ja lisää tietoa aiheesta:

A Call To ArmsSunnuntai 07.01.2007 21:34

People often confuse duty with rights and rights with freedom.
This all too common misunderstanding brings nothing more than
false hopes and futile attempts at understanding without effort.
Most people never take the time to think, and behind the veil of
self-righteousness they judge on grounds of ethics. A moral standard
they truly believe to be their own, and so their hammer falls, without
ever even considering the source of their inspirations.
The media has got a chokehold on outspoken opinions, and they
tighten and grip in the name of freedom until all attempts to
create are nipped in the bud, long before they get a chance to blossom.
An every-day terror regime instated in the name of sale, for everything
has a price, and the media just as all other merchants simply aspire to control
the market, but to control the market of the open mind,
they first must patent the written word.
They have had a long hard struggle against ideals and dreams that
people have gought and died for, but now they are winning.
Systematically shooting down our freedom of expression and the last resort
of the thinker, ripping the pen out of any willing hand and substituting
it with a surround stereo television and magazines that contain nothing.
It's a pointless struggle, but we will fight them, and when we can't fight
in this world we will continue in the next one. Still loosing i'm sure, but
at least alive, for a short while longer.


Black Metal Culture Banned Part IIKeskiviikko 29.11.2006 17:09

"Black Metal" culture banned in Malaysia

The Malaysian government is set to ban the country's "black metal" subculture after an Islamic council has declared it to be totally against the syariat, or Islamic principles. The government of Malaysia is now amending the law to allow government departments to act against the "black metal" culture.

There has been a lot of publicity in Malaysia about "black metal" (which often referred to any loud music listened to by youths in black T-shirts), connecting it to Satanism, apostasy and Judaism, and accusing followers of the subculture of doing everything from burning the Koran to drinking one's own blood mixed with goat blood, and claiming that concerts were also sex orgies and/or Satanic rituals. Much of the publicity came from tabloid newspapers which, other than being written in Malay, look uncannily similar to their Australian or British equivalents. Conservative Islamic clerics have been fighting against the "black metal" trend and have tried to have the subculture banned before, though seemingly without success; however, they did succeed in imposing requirements on touring bands such as requiring them to submit videotapes of performances to the government for approval and to wear "modest attire".


Black Metal Culture BannedMaanantai 27.11.2006 19:25


PUTRAJAYA: Black Metal culture has been declared as a deviation from Islamic teachings and those found practising it could be penalised under syariah law.

The National Fatwa Council ruled that Black Metal culture was totally against the syariat (Islamic principles) and could lead its followers to being murtad (apostate).

The council issued the decree after deliberating on the matter at its bi-monthly meeting yesterday.

“We discussed the issue at length to understand what Black Metal is all about and its effect on our culture,” council chairman Prof Datuk Shukor Husin told newsmen after the meeting.

“It has been established that Black Metal practices are way against the syariat and every effort must be taken to stop its spread.”

Prof Shukor said the Islamic Development Department (Jakim) was working with state religious departments to amend the syariah laws to give power to the departments to act against those engaging in Black Metal culture.

“It may take some time for the law to be enforced. In the meantime, we hope other relevant authorities would play their role in putting a stop to this culture,” he said.

Prof Shukor said although Black Metal was just a form of music, its culture often led its followers to worship Satan, to rebel, kill and incite hatred and irreligion.

Black Metal culture, he said, also influenced its followers to perform controversial rituals such as drinking one's blood mixed with goat blood and burning the Quran.

“When a Muslim burns the Quran, his action could be considered as murtad. It is our responsibility to ensure this does not happen,'' he said.

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