


Surrounded but alone

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The Last ChapterTiistai 05.02.2008 00:09

Candles and some red wine
it's the artist's last night

Thousands words he has written
Lyrics dedicated to her, his passion
No it's over, everything's over
Passion has dried, it exists no longer

Over the lakes I fly in nighttime
to see you once again
Over the hills I run to your side
But where have you gone
I wonder alone in the night

Sitting in his mansion
Wine is running out
Looking for those pills on the table
it must help and the bullet can finish the job

Oh, no I'm starting to feel weak
I've been seeking this warm feeling
Now it's here with me..
one last chapter for thee:

In my dreams I'm there wherever you are
I'm there to catch you when you fall
I won't turn my head, I won't run away
In my dreams I always have those three words to say
I love you

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