


Surrounded but alone

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ImagineSunnuntai 17.02.2008 01:55

A small garden with baroque fountains
Spring night just after the sunset and it's still warm.
Your hair glowing in moonlight
No way to resist the scent of blooming flowers

I take your hand, you smile
I've never seen you so happy before
You say that I'm the only one you need
You know the way to feed my passion

Beautiful words which have not seen daylight before
are coming right out from your lips
Yeah, there's still a paradise on earth
and the midnight is coming closer

How the whole world stops spinning
while we make love, my honey
One moment feeling like forever
One smile and I am ready to surrender

Lets watch the reality..
When I'm weak will you make me strong?
Do you love me as I am.. do you want me to be your man?
When I'm feeling down will you be there for me?
Do you need me anymore.. am I your haven's shore?

If your name is the answer for all those questions
Why do I still need to ask your name?
After all those beautiful thoughts in your mind
am I still there to feed your desires?

-the best tool in a war against loneliness

Olethan kunnossa

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