


Surrounded but alone

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I'm tired of this life
'cause it's crushing my heart
It's time for a one last fight
One last bittersweet part
In this musical we're hanging on a card

I'm tired of the show
'cause it's beaking my heart
Oh please, let me know
How I've been tearing you apart
In this game where you throw the dart

One last minute and the stage is clear
Use your weapons, I've nothing left to bear

Innocent mind, one of a kind
But I've becoming just too blind
Sweet role of passion king
And you sware it meant nothing
Was it just a roll of dice?
Me, playing the role of nice

Sands of time slipping through our fingers
as we're hanging in this bitter moment

And when you hear the audience clapping
You've won and no one will take away the victory

One last minute and the show is clear
Use your mind, I've nothing left to hide

Innocent mind, one of a kind
But I've becoming just too blind
Sweet role of passion king
And you sware it meant nothing
Was it just a roll of dice?
Me, playing the role of nice

One last note, blow me away
And for the last time..
I just don't have anything to say
..not anymore..

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