


Surrounded but alone

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[Ei aihetta]Sunnuntai 25.03.2007 20:39

Kaks päivää stadissa ja tälläset fiilikset:

Hey, can't you see?
There's no sense for you to be like me

Oh, there's so much more we need to fight
take the change and brake the sight
Wow, are you losing yourself
or what the hell is this?

For me it's not the easy part
and you know it too
I took those weird looks
and the shot which really hooks

Cause, can't you see?
At the moment I don't want to be like me

Oh, there's so much more we need to fight
take the change and brake the sight
Wow, are you losing yourself
or what the hell is this?

Jau, is there something wrong?
is something filled your thong?
Take the last glance what you've got
No chance to gain it back, oh, I'll take the shot

Cause, can't you see?
At the moment I don't want to be like me

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