


Surrounded but alone

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A novel from our memoriesTorstai 19.07.2007 18:54

I see the path which you need to walk alone
without stressing the future
It's easier without someone, it feels like going home
I also know the tree growing by your side
it needs so much time, so much time

at the bottom of my heart
I reveal my soul to you
it's burning red
it must be a threat

I know how it feels like being unwanted
I know how it's like to loose someone you love
I know how easy it's to lie when there's no feelings
I know your family, send my greetings
I know the pain so save me this one time

..All I ever wanted
was to be frozen in endless garden with you
Feel the luminosity of northern star on our skin
Watch how twilight cares the plants of autumn
as we make our love complete in the shadow of old tree
But as we know, your only wish is to be free..

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