


ja seitsemän älykääpiötä.

...Perjantai 14.05.2010 02:26

sitku vippi loppuu ni meikän kuvat on outta this place

jeeeeeeeeKeskiviikko 21.04.2010 22:46

OSAKA 5.6 here i come!!!!

I'VE GOT GLASS EYES SO I CAN'T CRY STANAKeskiviikko 24.03.2010 00:38

vidu ku ei jaksa mitään. poissaolojakii on tästä jaksosta enemmän ku laki sallii. ja enemmän ku koko viime vuodelta yhteensä.

....mut jee pitäs keksii jaappan-bändille nimi, ideoita?

NYT PIIRRÄN STANASunnuntai 14.02.2010 01:04


NO MORE BRACES MOTF~Tiistai 02.02.2010 00:14

\\\^ w ^///

waaah rakastan noita biisejä älkää kysykö miks 8DDD

RESSAAPerjantai 25.09.2009 01:10

joo ei terveSunnuntai 01.02.2009 03:21

100% (19/19) - Ulospäinsuuntautuneisuus
Seurallinen, pitää juhlimisesta, keskustelee, kaipaa jännitystä, ottaa riskejä, toimii hetken mielijohteesta.
40% (8/20) - Psykoottisuus
Piittaamattomuus muista ihmisistä, eristäytyminen, sopeutumattomuus, empatian puute, vihamielisyys, piittaamattomuus vaarasta, julmuus, epäinhimillisyys.
70% (16/23) - Neuroottisuus
Ahdistunut, huolestunut, masentunut, mielialan vaihtelu, syyllisyyden tunteet ja alhainen itsetunto.
25% (6/24) - Valheasteikko
Mittaa taipumusta antaa vastauksissaan itsestään todellista terveempi tai sosiaalisesti suotavampi kuva.

[Ei aihetta]Tiistai 14.10.2008 22:23

voi helvetin perse kun kaikki menee taas päin vittua.

mä hyppään katolta.

Animecon VI 26-27.7.2008 <333Keskiviikko 30.07.2008 21:29

Hahaa pällistit, en jaksa suomentaa, käyttäkää aivojanne.

It was time for Animecon again! This year, it was held in Tampere, in Tampere-talo, but almost all the people there just doodled around Sorsapuisto (the Duckpark,lol) which was right next to the building. Well, it maybe had something to do with the +30C heat there xD

I cosplayed as Frodo Baggins, from Lord of the Rings, and I hope that despite the failure of my wig and feet, I got it somewhat right. I was literally dying because of my cape, which is made of fleece. I love it but it was so frigging hot! My granpa helped me make the Sting, but it got beaten by Renjis Zabimaru. My itsy bitsy Sting had no chanse against it, it was like 2 m long D: I even found myself an Eärendil, just on the day before the con, from a random souvenir shop : D Lol, you should've seen the peoples faces when they boarded to the same buss as me when I went there : DDD

So I doodled around, playing the movies' themes with my sisters flute \,,/ and stalking random people. (thank you for the photos and hugs, people!) People even recognized me and took pics of me! \(*3*)/ And special thanks to the two random otakus who totally freaked out when they discovered me. I tortured them to death with quotes of the hobbits :D Sorry guys, love ya.

I was barefoot the whole weekend and it was umm.... kinda painful : D The asphalt was burning hot and standing in the traffic lights was torture >_< When we went to eat I started screaming: "OH, IT BURNS!!!! IT BURNS US!!!! AAAARRRRRGGGHHHH!!!" Lol, people kinda looked funny at me after that. : D

It was so funny to go to some random Hesburger or Mc Donalds' and discover Clouds, Bleach captains and some other weird people lining for their burgers and stuff : D I taught Joker some table manners lol xDDD

People had awesome cosplays, I even found guys from Digimon Adventure! It was my favorite show when I was a kid so I totally freaked out : D And I found myself a Clopin and we started singing songs from the Hunchback of Notredam. He was all amazed when I started quoting the lines from the movie : D We had so much fun <3

I even got to be in a random FF fighto! It was so fun, I have to get to one sometime again! Lol, when I summoned Sauron, the dudes i was attacking didn't know what to do, so I was like: "hey you all have to die" xDDD

I didn't go to any official things, (surprise, surprise) but i did go buy some random stuff from inside. I discovered the table of "The Finnish Tolkien Assosiation". Lol it was fun to see their faces when they saw me : D "I see we have reached our audience."

Anygays, it was so fun at the con again, I even ditched my buss ticket and got a ride back home from a girl I met on saturday night when I got lost : D So she and her friend took a 240km long detour to take me home on sunday. Wonderful people I must say : D <3

Waiting eagerly for the next con! <3 Love ya all!! <3<3<3