
A tale of burger propheciesPerjantai 30.10.2009 12:13

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You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!
Stranger: HELLO
Stranger: you seem nice
You: its because i smell nice
Stranger: yes indeed you do! i have candy inside my van!
Stranger: want some?
You: sure thing paps !
Stranger: now riddle me this
Stranger: if food could talk would you still eat it without feeling guilty?
You: i would smack that son of a bitch in the face and pound it down my throat
You: mans gotta do what mans gotta do
Stranger: i agree i would even go a step further
Stranger: buy several burgers and make them watch while i eat their freinds
Stranger: laughing while they cry
You: but if food would talk
You: then they would also have to eat
You: i would feed their parents to those little burgers
You: then eat them
Stranger: oh yes that my good sir is a brilliant plan
Stranger: i ´think cannibalism wouldn't be looked down apon anymore if all food could talk
Stranger: you could argue that another person in that world IS food
You: yup
You: then i must ask you
You: if food could talk and eat would it have a soul?
Stranger: i would like to say yes acctualy mostly because of religion
Stranger: i want to see some extrimest burgers
Stranger: a burger jihad
You: atheist burgers
You: hindu burgers would be cool
Stranger: i would have to agree
You: "if we live this life right we might reborn as big mac's"
Stranger: how can a burger live their life uncorrectly?
Stranger: not be tasty?
You: but if you suck and fail at life you will born as one of those little white castle burgers
You: yes
You: not to be tasty
You: its bad karma right there
Stranger: yeah bad karma indeed! you know what i would like to do? have a deep conversation with my burger... fool him into thinking we were freinds and that i wouldn't eat him... and in the end betray him
Stranger: hear him scream " i though we were freinds!!"
You: i would recreate scenarios from star wars
You: i would make a burger
You: and told him that his father died long ago
You: and just when im gonna eat him i would confess to him that im his father
Stranger: oh wow! that is a master peice of evil
Stranger: i would bet there would be groups like peta and someother people that would say "burgers can think! don't eat them!!!"
Stranger: and then they would die of starvation
Stranger: and the world would be better for it
You: oh yes
You: we would get rid of those cocky little hippies
Stranger: yes then the price of weed will go down because demand is low!
Stranger: we would move onto a age of enlightenment
You: and slowly violence would wither away from this world
Stranger: yes all of that would happen if burgers could talk
Stranger: do you think that if a burger fucked a cheese burger what type of burger would they bring into this world?
You: in order to know that we must first find out what abilities of a burger are passed down to one generation to another
Stranger: yes yes of course
You: and how burger chromosomes work
Stranger: and also we must account for burger racism
Stranger: would a cheese burger look at a normal burger as something infirrior?
You: naziburgers
Stranger: if that is so would a cheese burger even consider to mate with a normal burger
Stranger: yes nazi burgers! they must clense the unclean
Stranger: or the enferrior race
Stranger: the irony of this is that there is a bigger chance that they will be eaten first
You: but what if burgers would rebel against us
You: a hundred year long war of survival between humans and burgers
Stranger: yes but like you said what would burgers eat? and how would they age?
You: burgers life span isn't long
You: but what they consume
You: hmm
You: intresting question
Stranger: yes i would agree
Stranger: but man created burger
Stranger: if the burgers rebelled would man continue creating burgers?
You: new genesis would born
You: "man created burger as his own image and for time - it was good"
Stranger: but the burgers rebelled
Stranger: jucyfur fell from grace
Stranger: burgers would see us as their god
Stranger: i think with that in mind they would see their sacrifice as a way of appeasing th gods
You: but what gods would burgers worship
You: man?
Stranger: yes because we created them... we are the creators we are the alpha and omega the beggining and the end
Stranger: we created them and we destroy them
Stranger: we destroyed them*
You: yes
You: magnificent
You: but
You: what would happen if one burger would chance it all
You: know as the messiah burger
Stranger: yes a burger that was eaten but on the third day rised up again
You: a burger who beat the grip of eating
Stranger: that killed the god from the inside
You: yes
You: but what about the antimessiah
You: a burger who betrays his own kind for the sake of man
Stranger: yes he would sell ouut his own kind for a longer life
Stranger: but he would be lonely
Stranger: regreting his betrayel every day
Stranger: in the end he would kill himself
You: yes
You: and all this only because burgers talk
Stranger: yes it would be a chaotic world
Stranger: i also think racism in humans would also end
Stranger: black people can talkl and burgers can talk
Stranger: you eat burgers
Stranger: ergo you hate burgers more then you hate black people
You: nazis and black people would be friends
You: new ideal would rise
You: human supremacy
Stranger: Mc donald would change their name to Mc nazi
Stranger: a though just hit me
Stranger: because peta cares more about food then acctual people... i think that they would start eating people instead of burgers
You: yeas
Stranger: yes
Stranger: well thank you for this deep deep chat i had with you
Stranger: i am off
You: yes
You: good bye and thank you for this thrilling converstation
Stranger: yes our theories could change the world

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