


Break yourself free from your mind. Liberate your feet from the mind. Once get you released, from the universe
If I'm a bad person,
You don't like me.
I guess I'll go,
Make my own way.
It's a circle,
A mean cycle.
I can't excite you anymore.

Joo. ei oikein sanottavaa. TÄNÄÄN VALMIIKSI SE ESITELMÄ D:
JENNI vieläki kotona... öksy taudis raukka. 8<

Don't wanna hear your sad songs.
I don't wanna feel your pain,
When you swear it's all my fault.
Cause you know we're not the same.
Oh we're not the same,
The friends who stuck together.
We wrote our names in blood,
But I guess you can't accept that the change is good,
It's good.

Teen pian ruokaa mulle ja hannulle jee XDD
Oli hyvä tappelu minnan karkista joka oli jo johannan XDD Lasse on päälle käyvä!

You treat me just like another stranger.
Well it's nice to meet you sir.
I guess I'll go.
I best be on my way out.
Ignorance is your new best friend.

ja hahah. Lol

kertokaa mitä lol tarkottaa. ku onko se lots of laugh vai laugh out loud?? hmm.. ehkä se on vähä molemmat DX

This is the best thing that could've happened.
Any longer and I wouldn't have made it.
It's not a war.
No, it's not a rapture.
I'm just a person, but you can't take it,
The same tricks that once fooled me.
They won't get you anywhere.
I'm not the same kid from your memory.
Now I can fend for myself.

toivottavasti näitten mun biisi valintojen tarkotus ymmärretään DX
BTW OUTSAA EI NÄKNY VIELÄKÄÄ!!! kuitenki huomenna sielä se on saksan tunnilla -.-

ja btw. tajusin tänään.. aw ;3

I guess I'll go.
I best be on my way out.

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