
The rain just now has stopped
The smell of asphalt is floating around the city
Hey, over there too, the weather is fine already right?
For the weather has cleared up from the west

Koulussa ihana 80-luku päivä johon ei osallistunu paljo kukaa ees.. mut joo aika perus tylsää sillei.. mut ihan ok : D

Since youÂ’re not a morning person
Everyday, will you be able to wake up properly?
IÂ’m still worried about things like that
With freedom like the spreading sky
Nothing is changing, but
Next to me now, it's justÂ… itÂ’s only just that you aren't here

Mulle jäi jennin korvikset korviin. ou nou. DX Huomenna punanen paita!! (liikenne valo päivä)
Olin Lauran työnä ja katottiin mahtava elokuva XD "Another Gay movie" ja sitte Houkutus loppuun ja Skinssistä extroja XD jee. ja syötiin karkkia ja sipsiä XD kivaa.

Let me hear your voice
If we become honest, surely
We'll be able to understand each other
Please open your heart
Let me hear your voice
The path we have come is, for us, definitely
An important STEP to that future

Big Bang - Koe wo kikasete <3333 IHANA BIISI

KANDEE LUKEELauantai 16.01.2010 22:53

Daisuki zutto^^ sanoo:
*teach me some! XD
Ollie sanoo:
*like, what kind?
Daisuki zutto^^ sanoo:
*something.. like "bad" words.. XDD
Ollie sanoo:
*in what sense?... like.. sexual? or just, rude?
Daisuki zutto^^ sanoo:
*both XD
Ollie sanoo:
*hmm.. well
*you know that?
Daisuki zutto^^ sanoo:
*i know that!! XDD helloooooo. of course... XD
Ollie sanoo:
*well. theres like, fuck off
*which means go away
Daisuki zutto^^ sanoo:
*... i know that XD
Ollie sanoo:
*i fucked someone
*which means i had sex with them haha
Daisuki zutto^^ sanoo:
*for fuck's sake XD i know that too
and i know that too
Ollie sanoo:
*okayy, sorry :P
Daisuki zutto^^ sanoo:
*i watch skins with only english subtitles XD so i know the basic stuff XD
Ollie sanoo:
*theres.. blow job
Daisuki zutto^^ sanoo:
*i know that
Ollie sanoo:
*hand job
Daisuki zutto^^ sanoo:
*i know
*XD haha
Ollie sanoo:
*of course you know that XD XD
Daisuki zutto^^ sanoo:
*yeah XDXD haha and nailing or how ever its spelled
Ollie sanoo:
*nailing is having sex isnt it?
*fingering is
*just using fingers lol..
Daisuki zutto^^ sanoo:
*yeah XD i suppose.. XD
Ollie sanoo:
*thats like.. girl masturbation haha.. T_T
Daisuki zutto^^ sanoo:
*xDD yeaahhh.
Ollie sanoo:
*hmm what else..
Daisuki zutto^^ sanoo:
*try to say something i havent even heard XD
Ollie sanoo:
*theres like.. tits..
*you mustve heard of that:P
Daisuki zutto^^ sanoo:
*i know that! XD
Ollie sanoo:
*cunt, which is like realllllly rude
*but it means vagina
Daisuki zutto^^ sanoo:
*i know cunt too XD from skins of course..
Ollie sanoo:
*wow didnt think that would be on skins..
*are testicles :P
Daisuki zutto^^ sanoo:
*yeah i know that too XD
Ollie sanoo:
*dick, cock, willy, meat, wang,
*penis :P
Daisuki zutto^^ sanoo:
*XD one of those was new. "meat"
Ollie sanoo:
*hmm yeah thats really vulgar
*the most vulgar word i know for vagina is gash..
*they say it cos it looks like a gash, which is a big cut..
Daisuki zutto^^ sanoo:
*hahahahaa XDD i need to remember that
Ollie sanoo:
*its disgusting haha..
*bellend.. you know that?
Daisuki zutto^^ sanoo:
*no i dont : DD
Ollie sanoo:
*hmm, its the head of a penis.. haha..
Daisuki zutto^^ sanoo:
*hahah XD ok XD
Ollie sanoo:
*give me the name of something and ill tell you some words meaning it haha..
Daisuki zutto^^ sanoo:
*hmm.. let me think
*well "to have sex" say it in every possible way you just know
Ollie sanoo:
*to shag
*to bash
*to bang
*to nail
*to drill
*to lay
*to tap
*to fuck
*to 'hit that'
*to do
Daisuki zutto^^ sanoo:
*o.o many of them.. some new ways for me to say it XDD
btw if you say like" they got it on" does it mean like they had sex?
Ollie sanoo:
Daisuki zutto^^ sanoo:
*great : DD
Ollie sanoo:
*i like tap :P
*because, it someone says like,
Daisuki zutto^^ sanoo:
*XDD ok.
Ollie sanoo:
*ooooh so in so is hott
*someone else goes, ohh yeah i tapped that
*meaning they had sex with the person:P
Daisuki zutto^^ sanoo:
*ohhh : D yeah. in skins cook says something like "i popped panda" im not sure is it spelled like that
Ollie sanoo:
*ewh popped, like popped her cherry..
Daisuki zutto^^ sanoo:
Ollie sanoo:
*you know what that means?
Daisuki zutto^^ sanoo:
*no not really XD
Ollie sanoo:
*do you know what a hymen is?
Daisuki zutto^^ sanoo:
*no i dont XD
Ollie sanoo:
*okay.. well you know when girls, lose their virginity
*they bleed,
Daisuki zutto^^ sanoo:
Ollie sanoo:
*its because they have a layer of skin that gets broken, and its called a hymen..
*as a slang we call it a cherry
*and when someone loses their virginity, they get their cherry popped.. lol
Daisuki zutto^^ sanoo:
*ohh. great.. now i know alot more again XD so "i popped panda" means kinda like "i took pandas virginity" ???
Ollie sanoo:
*yah thats it
Daisuki zutto^^ sanoo:
*awesome XD a new word then: vagina. say that in every way you know XD
Ollie sanoo:
*oh god :P
*taco hat
*front bum
*love tunnel
Daisuki zutto^^ sanoo:
*XDD what the fuck.. love tunnel XDDXDD
Ollie sanoo:
*clam hat
*beef curtains
*theyre all kinda disgusting:P
Daisuki zutto^^ sanoo:
*yeah XDD fanny and muff are not so bad i think.
Ollie sanoo:
*muff is used alot when talking about like, 2 girls
*like lesbians..
Daisuki zutto^^ sanoo:
*i know. thats why i like it XDXD

huoah jdijLauantai 16.01.2010 00:35

no joo nuorten illas oli paskaa ja vilholas ihan jees DX aika hupaisaa.. ööh. äää jännääää. ihan kummaa. tyhmää ku.. joo DX
vähä sekasi.
en ees tie miks. mahaanki jo sattuu. DX


typerääää ku ei voi teks. tai voi mut ei oo ketää kelle tekstaa ku se kelle ainaki tekstais niin se ei voi vastata. <-- selkeääää

huoah jdijLauantai 16.01.2010 00:35

no joo nuorten illas oli paskaa ja vilholas ihan jees DX aika hupaisaa.. ööh. äää jännääää. ihan kummaa. tyhmää ku.. joo DX
vähä sekasi.
en ees tie miks. mahaanki jo sattuu. DX


typerääää ku ei voi teks. tai voi mut ei oo ketää kelle tekstaa ku se kelle ainaki tekstais niin se ei voi vastata. <-- selkeääää

titityyPerjantai 15.01.2010 20:34

joo meen sinne paska nuorten iltaan. Ja en tiedä muusta.
Hurtful words,
From my enemies of the last five years,
What's it like to die alone?
How does it feel when tears freeze,
When you cry?
The blood in your veins is twenty below.

Kenny voitti eilen joten siks ei ollu mikää paras päivä DX Mut joo ihan jees kuitenki. Nukahdin liksa tunnilla rentoutumisen aikana DX

Sitting in this room playing Russian roulette,
Finger on the trigger to my dear Juliet,
Out from the window see her back drop silhouette,
This blood on my hands is something I cannot forget

Tänään ei kai tuu Kenny vs. Spennyä. nouuuu DX se on niin parass.
AJ:n on pakko tulla tänään online.. DX en _ehkä jätäkkää sitä vielä. dkdjski jotenki sekasin.. DX

So for now, take this down a notch,
Crash my car through your window,
Make sure you're still alive,
Just in time to kill you,

ihanaa ku on perjantaiiii <3 nukun. Ja aa tänään pitäis mennä nuorten iltaa (VAIKKA SITÄ EI EHKÄ OO JA MULLA ON NUORTEN ILLAT TÄYNNÄ) tai/ja vilholaan. niin. enpä tiedä sitä sitte.

I can't take this (take) anymore
(I cannot feel what you've done to me)
I can't take this (take) anymore
(What you've done to me)

vilholaan ny voiski ehkä mennä DX Tai no riippuu vähä DX
btw,, biisi ei ny kovin hyvin sovi tunnelmaan mutta se on soinu tän päivän pääs..

PUHUTTIIN REHTORILLE. sepä ei mua tuntenukkaa DX

Sitting in this room playing Russian roulette,
Finger on the trigger to my dear Juliet,
Out from the window see her back drop silhouette,
This blood on my hands is something I cannot forget,
You look so beautiful today
When you're sitting there it's hard for me to look away
So i try to find the words that i could say
I know distance doesn't matter but you feel so far away

Johanna oli meillä.
Itkin DX
jooo mut ihan jees muuten.
Tänään oli ihan hyvä päivä.. KAIKKI SPENNYN ANSIOTA!
Spennyn voitto = Hanskin onni

When you call my heart stops beating
When you're gone it wont stop bleeding
But I can wait
I can wait forever

joooo DX

jess! joo hiljaa. ihanaa Aj ei oo online. aa ahdistaa se ny. kuitenki pian se on online -.-
Tai no joo.. tulispa online.. jättäisin sen.

You look so beautiful today
It's like every time I turn around I see your face
The thing I miss the most is waking up next to you
When I look into your eyes, I wish that I could stay

Jooo. Sellanen tunne että kenny voittaa tänään. Sitte ei voi mitää.

I know it feels like forever
I guess that's just the price I gotta pay
But when I come back home to feel your touch
Makes it better
Till that day
Theres nothing else that I can do

btw. lukekaa noi biisien sanat!! DX

!♥♥♥Keskiviikko 13.01.2010 21:59

AA. ♥ kaikki hyvin taas koska muistit h´mun uuden vuoden lupauksen. bwt.. Saarteinenki kysy sitä multa enkä sillekkää kertonu DX

Let the raining teardrops rain down on me tonight
I think making up, faking up stories is alright
Tick tock stop the clock, fiction is my thing
My attitude is always I and me and mine

Oh I'm so clever
Until my paranoia kicks in then I'll accuse her
Of doing all the worst things i do best
Its funny how me, fucking her about,
Has got me in this fucking mess

Liar liar pants on fire
Lies alibis lies more alibis
From the truth, I admit I'm more than shy
Ain't the the times we are living in
Everybody's doing it so why cant i?

I tally up tonight's strangers
And stragglers that I've kissed
Training ground notches, perfectly executed notches
And near misses
Its all about going out and getting pissed with eagle eyes
And sincerity bottom on my list
What's the story morning glory?
I feel so low and worthless

So this is where the outcome unfurls and the truth is being told
A cloud has gathered over my head and now i know
Infidelity and my good friend ecstasy doesn't work, it makes you worse
I'm feeling so guilty about the things i said to my mum when i was ten years old
I'm feeling so guilty about any old shit
And how I think my missus is fucking every guy that she looks at
This is it, the end was always coming and now its here

So this is the grande finale
The crescendo of demise
This is the happy ending
Where the bad guy goes down and dies
This is the end
With me on my knees and wondering why?
Cross my heart, hope to die
Its my own cheating heart that makes me cry

[Ei aihetta]Keskiviikko 13.01.2010 21:47


.Keskiviikko 13.01.2010 21:34

AA. kirjotan aina tällä. oikein säälittävää.
jos olisin 30.3 (kai) ollu vaan hiljaa olisko mulla nyt helpompaa?
En tie..turha ajatella sellasta.. koska onhan kaikki ihan hyvin nyt.

kiva ku ihan väärä kuva musta ihmisillä.

ihkua. alan heteroks.