


Zina Wildrose - Inspiring

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Silent night surrounding me
On the shore of wistful sea
A kindest heart made me believe
The world as I wish it to be

Wind in the wheat
Kiss by a hearth
Little hideaways for a lonely heart

Cast away in beauty's gloom
The good in me the child within
A cruelest heart made me forget
The world as I wish it to be

Home inside but lost for life
Human heart longing for love
Slave to the toil this mortal coil
The strife the suffering the void

Wind in the wheat
Kiss by a hearth
A dead calm winter morn
Morning birds and a smile of a stranger

Frozen moments in time
Little hideaways, the marrow of life
Little hideaways for a lonely heart

Wind in the wheat
Kiss by a hearth
Little hideaways for a lonely heart

Silent night surrounding me
On the shore of wistful sea
A kindest heart made me believe
The world as I wish it to be


Pieni itsensä kokoamisen tunne...
Miten joku voi saada näinki kaunista aikaseks?
Mut on tää samalla aika surullinen omasta mielestä,
et sydän meinaa särkyä taas
on kyl kipeet sanat pakko sanoo ja musiikki, vaikka tämä on coveri
nii vie ihan mennessään
Silmät on ihan kosteet, mut mitään ei vaa enää tuu

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