


The last night... Away from you.

Uusimmat blogimerkinnät

A Tear
by: Anonymous

I'm not sure why, it's so hard for me to cry
But today I shed a tear
Somewhere down this road of self destruction
I lost myself

I don't know what I want, what I don't want, or who I am anymore
I ask myself where am I and where have I gotten in life
I am NOTHING and NOWHERE to be found
I do not exist, I have lost complete control

I am frustrated, confused, have little hope
But most of all I'm scared
I'm scared I'll never find myself again
That this eating disorder and self hate has taken over my identity

I'm scared that I've pushed away those who love me
And I'm scared I've pushed myself away from ever being able to find myself

Today I shed a tear, a single tear for what I use to be
And pray to God to give me strength to find the real me
ED free!

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