
Uusimmat blogimerkinnät

idlPerjantai 29.01.2010 20:06

I'm standing in the circle of humans
What have we become?
I see the circles clean
I am unable to flee

I slowly arised in the sky
This is the way it feels to die
I have to search, the rest will follow
There's nothing left but my soul so hollow

I'm floating in the air
Slowly fading away from the earth
I'm guessing to the never when on my way to my empty birth

I've got to stay awake
But my eyelids feels lifeless
I feel like a parasite!

What will happen to us?
Will we ever see the universe?
Will we ever return?

Do we survive?
It's a human curse!

Final destination unknown
Humanity on the go
This is the end
Another beginning..

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