


simaa ja tyttö munkkeja, nehän on kyl sit nunnia! :D

Ihana <3 there are no rules here.. :DKeskiviikko 13.11.2013 21:44

Meaning of life and existenceKeskiviikko 13.11.2013 21:40

It has been a long time for me to be here.. been out there ♥:)) astral projecting and living out of the edge becoming what I really Am It feels funny to talk about time, presence, future and past because there is no "time" in a way humans like to measure being. Everything is a wave of energy that we know as light, sound and everything that really is in this realms. and every human has own personal realm of this existence.

Science has a clue about waves and frequencies that a single atom or a particle is a wave of energy and it can be at several places at once in a same "time" . And the law of resonance says that lower frequencies try to mimic and resonate with higher frequency to sync with it. So if you have a plane that tries to reach frequency of any spot in this universe or another dimension catching it , the plane can be there at once.

Parallel universe means by this that when everything is a wave of energy that can be anywhere in several places, realms and dimensions, it really is one and the same existence in different frequencies of a one single wave of that energy. So think about solar system, it is all a waves of energy and exist at several frequencies simultaneously, so there can be infinite dimensions and universes. That is why there is no time and space.

Human being, consciousness, soul, astral body, mater, anti mater, cell, atom, spirit etc. lots of words to description of one and the same thing, a wave of energy that we sense so little of it, a narrow hint of light what it is really. Matter does not vanish because it is wave of energy and energy change its form and can be in several realms at same time. So there is no heaven or hell, neither death and living has a new meaning by this

If this all is too hard to understand, don't worry, don't try to force for understanding, concentrate to experience this consciousness that you have, of course you can practice to contact other realms where you are right now but this is important "life" where you are NOW. So live and be it as you like, there are no rules really!
Just one thing about energies, there is positive and negative, choose wisely!

With love ~ me

Intohimo kateissa seksuaalisuudestaLauantai 02.11.2013 02:54

Siis joku hetki sitten nuoret kundit oli vaan vailla oraalia tytöiltä, et sai laueta, nyt sama on siirtyny ryppyreikään ja edelleen vaan et laukee.. Mä en yhtään ihmettele et tytöt tykkää yhä enemmän toisistaan kun hellyys, intohimo, jännitys ja kielletty hedelmä on muuten kadonnu..

Hmmm onkohan tää gay kulttuuri sit osana ku kundithan vois tehä ton ihan keskenään mut pelkää leimautumista ku yhä vieläki normi sanonta on et vitun homo... ei mieshomoilla oo vittua eikä lesbot synnyttäny välttämättä viittä lasta...

noh oon vaan satunnainen ihmettelijä <3 :) jokainen tyylillään!

Nostalgiaa lenkkimakkarasta :DTorstai 31.10.2013 04:47

Hitto, en oo syöny sataan vuoteen yöllä pikku pieruissa kaljan aiheuttamaan nälkään voikkaria mis on tuhdisti lenkkimakkaraa ja sinappia... ai herra gyyd miten hyvää.. tulee ihan mieleen nuoruuden ryyppyreissut ku hipsi himaan ja yritti hiljaa tehdä jotai syötävää, ja jäkes oli vaan pikku kyrsä lenkkimakkaraa.. sitä vanhaa aitoo :D <3 ja sit kotitekosta ruisleipää.. sit jotai punaviinimarja/vadelma mehua mikä aivan loistavaa ku ite tehtyä ja vitaminitsit tallella.. <3 perinteet kunniaan ja mummojen reseptit käyttöön.. ei muute ton jälkee ollu aamulla hiuko olo :))