

- Vanhemmat »

You are a sincere moralist.
Running a pretty finger over me.
I am a pure terrorist,
Just as you hoped, a revolution is happening.

A speciallist bound in romance,
Long fingernails got me erect.
An egoist who wants to confirm love,
I want to struggle until I'm deep inside you.

You keep pulling your face away from mine,
Ah, before I lose my mind...

Would it be ok to love, too, in this gyrating night?
Just like this... Harder, deeper...
As lips that are insanely familiar with the act, melt with each other
I am... your... Vanilla.

"God... oh you're getting too involved" You're cool like plastic.
An ecologist caught in a hot glance,
I'm impatient for your burning kiss.

Your distorting face is...
Ah I'll do it myself.

Would it be ok to love, too, in this gyrating night?
Just like this... Harder, faster,
Painfully familiar wet lips, don't need words...
You and I are not burning love.

Ah how many mornings have we greeted togheter?
Ah does this night ever have to end?
Ah spreed across the sky...
Ah white flowers surround us and die.

Is it ok to love, too, in this gyrating night?
Just like this... "I've seen a tail"
It's almost embarrassing, I've fallen for you.
A crew sees cring knees
I wanna need. Not betray!
Would it be ok to love, too, in this gyrating night?
Just like this... Harder, deeper...
As pelvic thrust that are insanely familiar to the act, melt with each other..

[Ei aihetta]Torstai 10.09.2009 02:27

Huono juttu.... :DDD

♥ halaavat häntä takaapäin
♥ tarttuvat hänen käteensä kun hän kävelee vierelläsi, eikä itse joudu tarttumaan!!
♥ kietoo kätensä hänen ympärilleen, kun hän seisoo
♥ ei pakota häntä mihinkään
♥ kehuu häntä, rehellisesti
♥ halaa häntä, eikä päästä irti ennen kuin on pakko
♥ soittaa hänelle iltaisin sanoakseen hyvää yötä
♥ lohduttaa häntä kun hän itkee eikä seiso vain tumput suorina!
♥ pyyhkii hänen kyyneleensä
♥ rakastaa häntä koko sydämmellään ja aidosti

jos et kopio tätä päiväkirjaasi minuutin sisällä, tulee sinulle huono rakkausvuosi
- Vanhemmat »