


He's a sick sick, sick gone man

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Os Catalepticos - Cannibal HolocaustKeskiviikko 11.11.2009 23:45

Damned tribes waiting in starvation
for lost human meat itÂ’s coming around
Smelling the signed of the blood in the jungle
From nowhere they strike from nowhere you die

your skull they crush with their teeth
after a warm brain for their feast

Biting they tear your body in peaces
blood, skull and bones that vanish in the air

No there’s no way out the woods you´ll get you
YouÂ’re lost and wherever you go death you find you
after some painful time

Biting they tear your body in peaces
blood, skull and bones that vanish in the air

No there’s no way out the woods you´ll get you
YouÂ’re lost and wherever you go death you find you
after some painful time

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