
Be here(sanotus)Lauantai 20.02.2010 18:27

It feel so bad, when you aren't here
When I see you, the pain disappear
you bring my heart back
It doesn't hurt when you are near
But it hurts again when you will go

Please, be here
anything else doesn't matter
be here
and I can breathe again
When you are here
I don't need anything else
I got my heart back
and it's not hurt again

You took my heart when you left
You bear it still in your hands
I need it cause I suffer without it
But you don't give it back
You have gone
And I have only the pain

Give my heart back at the little moment
And then it doesn't hurt anymore
Don't go, I don't wanna feel the pain
Cause it hurts when you leave me
i hurts cause you tear my heart after you

Be here...

you took my heart when you left
You bear it still in your hands
I need it cause I suffer without it
Please, give it back!
I don't wanna suffer anymore

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