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« Uudempi -

Oh gosh, I miss you so..Keskiviikko 29.04.2009 20:43

Kaikki jotka luulevat, että elämässä ei ikinä löydy "se" oikea, niin odottakaa vaan vähän aikaa vielä. Silloin kuin varmaan et luulisi, niin silloin.


Your evil... thats all i can say about you... in some weird, twisted way you ruined my life a bit, but its not even your fault, and i dont think you did it on purpose... i have always had this image of what i believed to be a perfect girl; blonde hair (real, not fake), beautiful (don't even get me started), talented (you make everybody look bad when it comes to being talented... those hips...), smart (well your smarter than me, we proved that), doesn't wear any make-up (yes i live in a city of sluts... a girl without make-up is unheard of), actually likes good music... just look in the mirror. Anyway the point i am trying to make is well i kinda gave up on looking for this "perfect" girl a long time ago and i would always settle because i came to realize that i'm wasting my time. then of course its just my luck that i meet you. and of course you live in Finland. God must hate me. Now that i know a girl like you does exist how do you expect me to just settle anymore? Life would have bin so simple but of course, the perfect girl has to come and ruin everything for me... so yes to answer the question you had on the beach, you are the more evil one... and i didn't realize it until you got on the bus... your mom must hate me though, she didnt even look at me that morning, i would say tell her i say hi but i dont think she ever wants to hear from me again. she probably thinks im a bad influence, out with her daughter at 5 in the morning, and it couldnt have been any more perfect. The six hour time difference makes things a little hard, i don't expect you to be on the computer at 5:00 in the morning, its about 11:00 here, but im always on my computer at night. what time do you go on? On saturday night, i got together with all the people i was with in the dominican for like a "reunion" which was fun... but what i really liked were the pictures and videos we watched... do you know how much fun it is to watch you dance on a big screen? theres over 5 different videos where you just so happen to be standing right next to the twins and your in the whole video, dancing... i have the dancing, but there is one thing i don't have... and that is a song... i will get you to sing! and i think you finally get that i dont usually take no for an answer : )

its kind of depressing thinking that now is about the time we would be going for a walk... and if a wish on a shooting star really does come true, we havent had our last... promise...

miss you


//Domenic Cimino, 31.3 2oo9

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