
Loistava lyhenne :'> kiitti Topi! :DTiistai 18.11.2008 00:46

Topi sanoo:
perussettiä eli perse

Puhetta ylioppilaslakista... :DMaanantai 17.11.2008 02:10

Lieutenant Ile sanoo:
mä haluaisin sen lokinpaskanvärisen lippalakin JOSKUS edes

[Ei aihetta]Perjantai 14.11.2008 23:13

*Wes Welker loukkaantuu Maddenissa*
Iiro: No niin... Nyt meiltä meni ressu.. toivottavasti kohta menee QB:kin (Kummeli-imitaatio)


sensuroitu :DPerjantai 14.11.2008 00:04

Dreamy sanoo:
miks mie aina hihitän
Ipetsu sanoo:
siksi kun olet hihi-peikko
Ipetsu sanoo:
Ipetsu sanoo:
et sie oo peikko
Ipetsu sanoo:
oot trolli
Ipetsu sanoo:
Ipetsu sanoo:
Ipetsu sanoo:
kun olet kääpiö
Ipetsu sanoo:
tai muuten vain lyhyt
Ipetsu sanoo:
tai hihität muuten vaan aina
Dreamy sanoo:
ai mie oon lyhyt? : D
Ipetsu sanoo:
niin koska kasvat pituutta
Ipetsu sanoo:
Dreamy sanoo:
housussas on lyhyt. : (
Ipetsu sanoo:
hyvinpä tunnut tietävän.. ^^

ei jestas :SPerjantai 14.11.2008 00:00

Ipetsu sanoo:
miulle tuli ihan älypirtee olo
Ipetsu sanoo:
Ipetsu sanoo:
Ipetsu sanoo:
aim ä parpi kööl in mai parpi vööörlt
Ipetsu sanoo:
aim plästik
Ipetsu sanoo:
its fantastik
Ipetsu sanoo:
Ipetsu sanoo:
Ipetsu sanoo:
Dreamy sanoo:
: D
Dreamy sanoo:
mitä se semmonen on : >
Ipetsu sanoo:
sellasta öö
Ipetsu sanoo:
Ipetsu sanoo:
niinku sakara
Ipetsu sanoo:
Dreamy sanoo:
onko se syötävää?
Ipetsu sanoo:
ei mut se on sellanen suklainen
Ipetsu sanoo:
eli joo on se syötävää

[Ei aihetta]Tiistai 11.11.2008 11:44

Enni: Hei kato skottiruutua *vilauttaa penaalin skottiruutupintaa*
Iiro: hei lopeta miulla alkaa kohta seisoo


[Ei aihetta]Lauantai 08.11.2008 23:28

Ipetsu sanoo:
öö ö ö ööö ööö ö ö ööö öö öö öö ööö öö ööö
Ipetsu sanoo:
häälaulu mikä soitetaan kirkossa
Ipetsu sanoo:

In Flames - SystemMaanantai 03.11.2008 22:21

I can not frame, that's why I lose control
I aim, I stumble and I fall
Our adaptation can't be faithful
Your world does not attract me

This is the end, you see
There's no more truth in me
As if you would deserve it
You are my enemy

I can't ignore the way you make me bleed
I hate when you throw my thoughts against the wall
Got to wake up and make a stand
Desperation forces another mistake
I count again...
I know who's to blame
My life in vain
Who said I was sane?
I count again...
I know who's to blame
My life in vain
Who said I was sane?

Follow your instinct
It usually takes you home
Don't let these words tear you down (down)
You see me hanging by the end of the rope
I tell you...

Slow, I go
And the wait seems to be over
All that I know
Is that my life has become such a waste for you

I blame and run, sadly all too often
I dive into the day without your sympathy
I tend to try but lack the focus
Becoming a distant memory
What once was is quickly forgotten
All wrapped up inside
Delete all resemblance
I feel your relief

Slow, I go
And the wait seems to be over
All that I know
Is that my life has become such a waste for you

Follow your instinct
It usually takes you home...

Slow, I go
And the wait seems to be over
All that I know
Is that my life has become such a waste for you
Slow I go and the wait seems to be over
All that I know is that my life has become such a waste for you...

omakivaa taas... :'DLauantai 11.10.2008 23:06

11.10.2008 20:03 <Ipetsu> yhdyn joonan kommenttiin ^^
11.10.2008 20:03 <Ipetsu> en siis sanan varsinaisessa merkityksessä o.O
11.10.2008 20:03 <Ipetsu> :'D