
If I lose your love, osa 5Tiistai 25.03.2008 21:10

CHAPTER 5 - Nighthour

Jay runs in the street. He runs faster than ever. His heart beats faster than ever. He is scared that itÂ’s too late.

Jay arrives to the hospital. He rushes straight to MayÂ’s rooms floor and from there to her room. Five adults have gathered around MayÂ’s bed. Three of them are doctors, and two of them are MayÂ’s parents. Both of them are crying.

-What happened!?

MayÂ’s mother and father turn their faces to Jay.

-ItÂ’s okey, dearÂ… Calm downÂ…

Father tries to calm his wife. His voice is trembling.

-HowÂ… How can I calm down!? ItÂ’s my child, my child lays in that bedÂ… ItÂ’s MY childÂ…

Mother starts to cry even harder and hides her face to her hands.
Father holds his wife little closer and looks painfully to the doctors.

-They canÂ’t say whyÂ… ItÂ’s propably because of the illnesÂ… NobodyÂ… Knows for sureÂ…
-What is it?

Jay is holding his tears. He asks again.

-WhatÂ… is it?

Father turns his face to the floor and starts to sob quietly.

-We donÂ’t know whyÂ… It happened so suddenly, and this couldnÂ’t be predicted in any wayÂ… SheÂ… She has stopped breathing.

If I lose your love, osa 6Tiistai 25.03.2008 21:09

CHAPTER 6 - Goodbye

-IÂ’m really sorryÂ… Her illnes has turned to something we canÂ’t cure. Somehow, she seems not to want to live anymoreÂ… We canÂ’t do anythingÂ… You can say goodbyes to her and then I suggest you to leave. You are informed later about the situationÂ…

The doctors leave the room. MayÂ’s mother cries against her husband. They say something to May and then also leave.
Jay walks trembling next to her bed. He sits down and a tear falls from his eye.

-WhatÂ… Happened, May?

He waits for the answer. Mays eyes stay closed. Jay takes a deep breath and grabs the girls hand, gently.

-YouÂ… You promised, didnÂ’t you? You p-promised meÂ… You wouldnÂ’t dieÂ…

He doesnÂ’t try to stop them anymore, the tears. They fall freely to his cheeks, when his suffering eyes look at Mays lifeless face.

-You canÂ’t leave me, okay..? No, May, donÂ’tÂ… I could die for you, just donÂ’t go, pleaseÂ… PleaseÂ…! WHAT DID I DO WRONG!? Damn!!..
-May? MAY!! YouÂ’re still alive!! Did you say something?!
-ItsÂ… M-eÂ…DÂ…
-What? What? I am here, May, I am here!! Stay awake!
-DonÂ’tÂ… WhatÂ… No, May, pleaseÂ…
-IÂ… St..
-No No No, donÂ’t close your eyes! No-!
-J-ayÂ… IÂ… StillÂ… Lo-veÂ…You.


“I still love you.” Those were the last words I heard May said to me. Se had written a letter, where she explained everything. She thought I didn’t love her anymore. She thought she was left alone, but she kept on loving me. I made a mistake, that ruined my life, ruined May’s life. I know I’ll never forgive myself. And I hate myself now, I’ll hate myself for the rest of my life. She died for a misunderstanding. I was important to her. So important, that it took her away.
ItÂ’s been many years now, but still I remember it all; the night when I ran to the hospital; I remember the painfull looks and MayÂ’s eyes full of sadness, when she looked at me for the last time. I remember, how I prayed for her to come back, and finally, fell asleep with her cold hands in my owns.
As winter turns to spring, and summer to autumn, life changes. Time changes. And we canÂ’t stop it.

I continued my life, thinking about her. I hope she is happy where she is now. And IÂ’m glad I am able to follow her someday. I have tried to commit a suicide for a few times, but thereÂ’s always something that stops me. ItÂ’s like May is wispering to my ear to keep on trying. I get a warm feeling inside me, and forget the lonely world for a moment.

ThatÂ’s right. There are things we canÂ’t stop from turning to something else. Maybe we forget, maybe we get tired of caring. For meÂ… My life took a new curse that night. Now I am walking a lonely path, that seems to be endless. But I donÂ’t complain, because I know thereÂ’s one thing that will never change.

I will always love May.
And she will always stay in my heart, until the day
ItÂ’s my turn to close my eyes
For the Last time.

If I Lose Your Love, osa 7Tiistai 25.03.2008 21:07

CHAPTER 7 - YouÂ’ll be there

" A young 22-years-old man got into a car accident yesterday at 10:67 pm. The accident was unordinary because of it‘s place. Currently he's in coma, and is taken care of at the Penrose Community Hospital. The man was driving and when he came to a corner, another car suddenly drove too fast to his direction and the cars crashed. Another car’s owner was about a 17-years-old girl, who hasn’t been identifyed yet. Apparently she was driving without a car license, the reason is still unknown. The man was driving a…”


A Letter May Left, full of dried tears

“Jay. You don’t know how lonely I was. When I heard the message, I knew it was too much. With this sick body, I lost the one thing that kept me continue believing, hoping for a better tomorrow. Without you, I am a wandering soul, that has no peace. I have no place.
I will watch you from above. YouÂ’ll be lonely too, right? Though you wouldnÂ’t love me anymore, I will. That is never changing. If an angel would appear to me, and ask what is my last wish, I would say I want to see Jay. I would say, that I want to be healty for five minutes and just be in your arms. Five minute happiness. That would be my wish. But thereÂ’s no angel, and no you.

I want things to be like they used to be, when our love kept us high.
You were my air. You were my universe with millions of twinkling stars. You were my destiny, but was I yours?

IÂ’m sorry. You did something that will be my end. Life isnÂ’t usually too fair, but this time it is.

Someday, I will come and take you with me.”


Nonni.Keskiviikko 19.03.2008 21:26

MÄ LÄHEN INTERREILAAMAAMaanantai 10.03.2008 19:52

Ajankohtaa en viel tiiä :D Ens kesäks tuskin pääsee, ku ei saa tarpeeks rahhaa.

Tää ei nyt oo mitää turhaa puhetta. Niille tiedoks, jotka ei tiiä mitä interreilaus tarkottaa, se on parilla sanalla sanottuna Junalla Euroopan Ympäri. Vähän niinku jotain tollasta :D En lähtis yksin, menisin Lauriinan kaa. Haluttais molemmat vähä jotai seikkailtavaa kesäks. Jos ei päästä reilaamaa, mennää ainaki Hankoo telttailee kahestaa :'D

Tän hetken suunnitelmien reilausreitti:

Helsinki> Pietari> Vilna> Varsova> Krakova> Praha> Frankfurt> Pariisi> Lontoo( Oxford>Birmingham>New Castle)> Oslo> Tukholma> Maarianhamina> Turku> Kerava!


Maksakaa joku?
22 päivän sisällä saa matkata 10:enä valitsemanaan päivänä, maksaa yheltä nuorelta jonku 238 e.
Plus yöpymiset? Ruoat? Matkamuistot? Ja KAMERA. Tarkotus oli mennä myös valokuvaamaa ^^

Vanhemmat ei torjunu ajatusta. Mut ne ei oikee usko ajatukseen et tosiaa tänä kesänä... Damnit.

Mut jonain päivänä mä viel teen sen. Ja sit ku oon vanhempi ja on rahaaki ja kaikkee.. Ni reittiin saattaa tulla pikkasen lisäpaikkoja. Esim. haluisin käydä Italiassa, Venetsiassa.

Suuria unelmia, suuria unelmia... Noo. Pitää olla ;)
Tämmössii ku miettii, se on sellanen kumma piristysruiske tavallisee tylsään koulupäivään. Jepjep.
*boy runs to a girl, at school. they are childhoodfriends*

-Ah, hi..
-What's up?
-Nothing special, I guess..
-Huh, what is it?
-Um, nothin'..
-No really, just tell me!
-I don't know, it's just..
-What? Has somebody done something to you?
-No, please don't worry... I'm just tired-
-Don't lie to me. I know you the best. You never tell if something bugs you
-Don't say that! I'm fine- Hey, let go!
-No I won't. You promised you tell me if there's somehting wrong. It's that guy, isn't it?
-That classmate of yours
-Him? Uh..
-It IS him!! What did he do?
-No, don't get angry!
-What Did He Do?
-Well, um.. He sort of... Kissed me....
-Shh, you're too loud--
-I'm gonna kill that bastard! He pisses me off!!
-No! Stupid! It was just a kiss!
-Just a kiss?!
-Why the hell are you so angry!?
-I... Damnit, I just..
-Wait.. No way. You're... Jealous?
-Oh my god. Why!? It's not you like me or anything-
-How can you tell?!

the boy keeps going:

-What's wrong with that... I can't like you, huh?
-N-No, that's not what I-
-So you prefer more that stupid classmate!!
-No, listen-
-SO GO WITH HIM!! I don't care anymore!
-Hey, don't go!! Hey!... Uff. So he really ran away... Shit, how am I gonna fix this... Oh my god, there comes the guy who kissed me...

*the classmate arrives*

-Hey, you know the answer?
-What answer?
-When I kissed you, remember? It meant do you wanna go out?
-With YOU?
-Well yeah, with me! Hahah, is there somebody else?
-Um, listen... You are just a-
-Just a friend? Don't give me that crap! I know you've been staring at me...
-No I haven't!! Could you just leave me alone now, I've got things to-
-No way! What's wrong, bitch? The kiss wasn't good enough, huh??
-I'm going..
-You're not going anywhere! I know you want this! I know you want ME! I can kiss you again, I can eat you right now..
-Stop! Let me go-
-Shut up, I'm trying to make you mine..
-JUST STOP you FREAK!! NO! Someone help me--

*our hero-boy arrives running!!*

-Who the hell do you think you are!? Like I'm going to hand her to you!
-You are Pissing Me OFF now
-Whooo, I'm so scared! What can you do, you freakin' loser?! Just leave us he- AUTCH!! DAMN YOU!!

*they start fighting, and luckily our hero-boy kicks the crap out off the bad guy, and he runs away (not quietly though).
The girl throws herself into the boys safe arms*

-Nobody touches MY girl *smile*
-Thanks... He just started to do that stuff, I tried to escape but he was too strong and-
-Shh. Now you're being too loud
-Right... Sorry...

*the situation is over and they have gone to the boys house*

-Are you allright now? *brings two cups of cocoa*
-Yeah, thanks... For the cocoa.. and that you saved me...
-It's nothing. Lucky that I came back to you..
-Yea, btw, why did you come?
-Actually, I came to apologize... I went mad for such a stupid reason... It's not like I own you or something, of course you can like anyone you want...
-Hey, now YOU listen to me. Did you really think I like that bastard?
-So, you didn't scream for desire when I came? *laughs*
-Shut up... *laughs* Hey, I want to give you something
-Really? What is it?

*the girl kisses the boy*

-What! You're all red! Don't tell me you're that shy!

*the boy kisses back the girl*

-Revenge! Oh, now you're just as red as I am!
-Geez... Hey, did I tell you I love you?
-I love you
-Say it again!
-No! It's too embarrassing!
-Then I'll make you say it!

*the boy starts to tickle the girl*

-Hey, st-stop! Hahah-- Watch the cocoas.. Heyy!
-Say it!
-Then I'll tickle even harder!
-W-wait, okay okay! I love you!
-You do?

*the boy grins and kisses the girl*

-I love you too.

Vähä venähti :D toivottavasti joku jakso lukee loppuun asti x)

[Ei aihetta]Sunnuntai 09.03.2008 23:51

Yksi askel kerrallaan
Yksi vain
Käyn lumista maata tarpomaan
Tulethan kohta
Mukaan kanssani
Tähän pieneen seikkailuun

Mihin tie vie
Sitä en tiedä
Mutta ottaa aion selvää
Viekö se aurinkoon
Vai viekö se murheisiin
Viekö se menneisyyteen kylmään?
Sitä en tiedä
Mutta kanssasi otan selvää

Pääset vielä tänne
Jos lujaa ryhdyt juoksemaan
Nouse junaan
Voit myös lentää
Mutta saavuthan
Ennen kuin kolmas aurinko sammuu
Kolmas kuu nousee

Pidäthän kiirettä
Ehdit yhä
Tulethan mukaani
Tähän pieneen pieneen seikkailuun

[Ei aihetta]Sunnuntai 09.03.2008 01:05

Tänään et voi ottaa kädestäni kiinni.
Mutta jonain päivänä voit.<3
Ja siihen asti minä odotan.

[Ei aihetta]Sunnuntai 09.03.2008 00:43

Ei meist oo maailmaa muuttamaa.
Ei meist oo ihmeit tekemää.

Mut me voidaa yrittää<3

[Ei aihetta]Lauantai 08.03.2008 01:08

" Haine,
I love you.
Even now
I love you so much it's driving me crazy.
If you were to cry out for loneliness
I want to be the moon that shines down upon the sea.
If you were to hang your head down in shame
I would fight against that world.
And yet..
And yet I hurt you with these hands of mine.
But Haine,
I can't take away
The littlest happines that my brother yerns for
In order to unite the two of us...

Who had always thought that we were alone."

Se todella itkee sanoessaan noi.