


Kiitos ja anteeks

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Voivoi.Keskiviikko 07.10.2009 21:16

Eilen lopetin mehudietin ja tännää söin iha hulluna karkkia.
On iha hirvittävä olo. : ((

Oivoi.Keskiviikko 07.10.2009 02:22

Oi tää uus galleria on NIIIIIIIIIIN ihq
Mä niinq xd

[Ei aihetta]Keskiviikko 30.09.2009 03:24

Too many things happened tonite
Girls just wanted to have fun

[Ei aihetta]Tiistai 29.09.2009 16:22


[Ei aihetta]Tiistai 29.09.2009 01:55

One day back, so many ahead
Tomorrow, always better

[Ei aihetta]Maanantai 28.09.2009 03:31

TOIVON: huomista
HALUAN: vaan nukkua
OLEN: väsyny
VOISIN: oksentaa
TARVITSEN: jonku kaverin tänne
NAURAN: en varmaan koskaan
KOHTA: tupakoin
VIHAAN: elämää
JOUDUN: mennä kouluun huomenna
OSAAN: olla kamala
KUUNTELEN: huminaa
NYT: lopetan

End of an ERAMaanantai 28.09.2009 02:43

I still love you JulieTorstai 24.09.2009 16:47

Last night,
A room full, drunk,
Sang along to the songs I never had
The courage to write.
Given the chance
I'd stay in this chorus forever,
Where everything ugly in this world
Is sadly beautiful
In our desperate memories.
No, we're not
Gonna call everyone on their shit tonight,
Even though the half of you won't even smile
The next time we pass on the street.
Maybe somehow
This scam will still save us all...

Still save us all...
Still save us all.
Still save us all...
(Will save us all.)
Still save us all.

Then I saw you
Dancing at a punk rock show
And for a moment
We walked the streets that everyone else
Had given up to 4 AM,
'Cause promises
And spray paint marking
Everywhere we went
And every direction
Only going as far
As we let it.
There's so many things
We try to do truthfully.
By the time it's through with us,
It all falls apart.
Maybe somehow
This scam will still save us all.

And the life goes onKeskiviikko 23.09.2009 02:01

HattulaatikkoMaanantai 21.09.2009 01:01
