

- Vanhemmat »
jepaaa=)) 27.09.2009 03:02

KIITOS !Perjantai 18.09.2009 17:54

18.09.2009 01:19 <`anniina> onneeeee! =D
18.09.2009 03:30 <Rinkku_> onnee si ! (= pientä keittoo si tänään :D
18.09.2009 03:39 <jico> onnee:):):)
18.09.2009 03:45 <-HaksU-> onneee:)
18.09.2009 06:29 <|ansku|_> oonneeeaa :)
18.09.2009 06:56 <-j0nna> onnneeee (:
18.09.2009 07:37 <ttiiaa`> önnneee noni !
18.09.2009 08:02 <ssuuvii> Onnee:)
18.09.2009 08:46 <T0m1-> Onneee! :)
18.09.2009 09:28 <hepsix> onnnnnee !
18.09.2009 10:19 <värisokea> onneks olkoon..:>
18.09.2009 10:20 <iiduskapiiduska> hyvää synttäriä! <3
18.09.2009 10:21 <Jone_> Onnee!!!!!!!!
18.09.2009 11:45 <^NoooRa^> onneks olkoon! :)
18.09.2009 11:53 <LIL_MOE> onneeeeeeeee
18.09.2009 12:03 <m1kk0--> onnee =)
18.09.2009 12:14 <^Sanni^^> onnee. :)
18.09.2009 12:22 <mmonsKu`> onnee :)
18.09.2009 13:29 <bellaah_> onnee (:
18.09.2009 13:39 <Susbe--> oonnneee!:)
18.09.2009 14:20 <_Mikke_^> onnee
18.09.2009 14:26 <YULIASDFG> onnea :)
18.09.2009 14:27 <ssän`> onnnea :)
18.09.2009 14:38 <Jesmo`> onneeeeaa=DDD
18.09.2009 14:49 <Sorvari_Mestari> KIITOS KAIKILLE !
18.09.2009 14:55 <Kaikukka> Onnea lunttu !

[Ei aihetta]Sunnuntai 23.08.2009 18:15

on liikaa nuoria kuollu,
ja paljon nuoria on jääny
kaipaamaan lähimmäisiään,
lisää tämä päiväkirjaasi,
ja toivo ettei parhaat ystäväsi
koskaan lähtisi luotasi ♥ Liikenneturvallisuuden vaarantaminen Jokioisilla

Kevytmoottoripyörän ja traktorin välinen liikenneonnettomuus Jokioislla Lammintiellä, jossa moottoripyörää kuljettanut vuonna 1991 syntynyt jokioislainen nuorimies menehtyi.

Törmäys tapahtui Lammintiellä mutkassa, jossa aurinko paistoi häikäisevästi moottoripyörän tulosuunnasta katsottuna.

Alustavien tietojen mukaan moottoripyöräilijän epäillään käyttäneen suurta ajonopeutta ja oikaisseen kaarteessa. Törmäys tapahtunut traktorin ajokaistalla. Moottoripyörän kuljettaja menehtyi välittömästi.
16-vuotias rattijuoppo törmäili Tammelassa

Puoli kuuden aikaan aamulla 16-vuotias poika törmäsi henkilöautolla valaisinpylvääseen Hakkapeliitantiellä. Poika puhalsi 1.73 o/oo eikä hänellä luonnollisesti ollut ajo-oikeutta.

Eminem - Bagpipes from BaghdadTiistai 14.07.2009 00:44

ohh! it's music to my ears!
oh man!
how can I describe the way I feel?!
it's fucking great man, ok!
let me see
how can I begin?

Locked in Mariah's wine cellar all I had for lunch,
Was bread wine, more bread wine, and captain crunch,
Red wine for breakfast and for brunch,
And to soak it up and in between snack, crackers to munch,
Mariah, whatever happened to us, why did we have to break up,
All I asked for was a glass of punch,
You see, I never really asked for much,
I can't imagine what's going through your mind after such,
A nasty breakup with that Latin Hunk
Luis Miguel, Nick Cannon better back the fuck up,
I'm not playing, I want her back ya punk,
This is Hello Kitty bedspread satin funk,
Mixed with Egyptian, with a little rap and punk
Zapp and Eric Clapton, Frank Zappa crunk,
And yeah baby, I want another crack at ya,
You can beat me with any spatula that ya want
I mean I really want ya bad ya cunt,
Nick you had your fun,
I've come to kick you in your sack of junk,
Man I could use a fresh batch of blood,
So prepare your vernacular for dracula acupunc-ture

Bagpipes from Baghdad
When will it ever cease, for Pete sakes he's crazy, to say the least
Bagpipes from Baghdad
What's going through my mind half the time, when I rhyme, while blowing on my
Bagpipes from Baghdad
Somebody turn the vacancy sign on, 'cause I'm gone, blowing on my
Bagpipes from Baghdad
I run the streets and act like a madman, holding a gladbag

You can be a permanent fixture,
In my lyrical mixture,
I'm the miracle whip trickster
My signature sound, when a tube of lipstick's around,
I'm bound to put on in an instant, wow
Man what an ensemble, what an assortment of pharma-
Ceuticals, this beautiful, pill dust in my palm, my
Cuticles get residue just from touching the bottle,
Never knew I could remind me so much of my mama,
I'll cut you like Dahmer, pull a butcher knife on ya,
The size of a sword boy, I'm like the fucking Red Sonja,
Get it stuck in your cornea,
Nice knowing you Norman,
You're so fucking annoying,
Drop the shovel boy, you don't know what the fuck your doing
I ain't playing no fucking more,
Nick Cannon ya prick, I wish ya luck with the fucking whore,
Every minute there's a sucker born,
Snuck up on Malachi made the motherfucker suck on a shuck of corn,
Shuck of, shuck of corn, shuck of corn,
Hit Jason in the face with a hockey puck and told him it's fucking on,
Man what the fuck are ya doing,
You're running over the snow blower,
With the lawnmower, blow on your
Bagpipes from Baghdad


In the bed with two brain dead lesbian vegetables,
I bet you they become heterosexual,
Nothing will stop me from molesting you,
Titty fucking you till your breast nipple
Flesh, tickles my testicles,
Is what I said to the two conjoined twins,
How's it going girlfriends, you need a boyfriend,
You need some ointment, just set up an appointment,
Who's gonna see the doctor first, we'll do a coin flip
I just got my one year sobriety coin chip,
When the bad get going, how bad does the going get
Baby you shouldn't have any trouble rubbing groins with
Each other, especially when you're joined at the hip,
I'm going to get a needle, and thread from the sewing kit,
And attempt to separate em and stitch them back at the loin shit,
Lure the little boy with the chocolate chips ahoy chip
Cookie, lookie even took me a polaroid, flick


Hum-de-lay-le-lah-aaahhh (4x) 11.05.2009 15:28

- Vanhemmat »