



[Ei aihetta]Torstai 09.03.2006 01:23

if you wanna fffffh all night let me hear you say:
"i wanna ffffh all night"
i wanna crush all night, uh, uh,
uh, keep crushin!

[Ei aihetta]Tiistai 28.02.2006 18:41

juissivillelle (ihkudaa! mitä soitat nyt paljon):

1. Leon Ware - What's Your World?
2. J Dilla - Two Can Win
3. Madlib - It's Just a Yo-Yo Fair (? en tiiä oikeeta nimeä?)
4. O'Donel Levy: People Make the World Go Round (instr.)
5. Kuusumun Profeetta - Noita
6. The Wu-Tang Clan - C.R.E.A.M
7. Ceebrolistics - Nämä Aallot
+ William Bell - I Forgot to Be Your Lover (piiloraita)
++ Luther Ingram - I Don't Wanna Be Right (toinen piiloraita)

+ cyde aka. nasael aka. yeslove aka. en jävlig polare

[Ei aihetta]Keskiviikko 15.02.2006 16:28


[Ei aihetta]Tiistai 14.02.2006 15:24

onko tänään ystävänpäivä?

kato mun päiväkirja.

[Ei aihetta]Sunnuntai 12.02.2006 02:16

You gonna need me one day
You gonna want me back in Your arms
You better stop and think about what You do

[Ei aihetta]Lauantai 11.02.2006 20:36

jaksatteki kuolla nuorena kaikki mun lempiräppärit :/

np: Jay Dee - i Want You

[Ei aihetta]Torstai 09.02.2006 00:14

paras gallup ikinä!!!!! hihhihihahahaa ^__________^

[Ei aihetta]Maanantai 06.02.2006 23:38

wait, no, i did not really pursue my little Princess with persistance
and i was so low-key that She was unaware of my existence

from a distance i desired, secretly admired Her
wired Her a letter to get Her - and it went:

my Dear, my Dear, my Dear, You do not know me but i know You very well
now let me tell You about the feelings i have for You

when i try, or make some sort of attempt, i symp
damn i wish i wasnÂ’t such a wimp! :(

miksi unet ei oo totta!

[Ei aihetta]Sunnuntai 05.02.2006 22:57

pharrel - she's an angel

uni :(Perjantai 03.02.2006 12:23

ive been working for you, doing all i can
to work all time didnt make me a man