


kaikkien janoisten sankari

It's too late to apologize..Tiistai 23.09.2008 18:49

I don't understand why?
Why destroyed many young lives? Efforts faults of people killed, they had dreams and goals. You thought you that the problem will be solved so as to destroy the other's lives. It is not so. Mental illness is not a motive. We all agree the race why do evil to others. That is simply not able to, no one imagined that a normal weekday, 23 September, the school killed the innocent people who had a life ahead of them.
You will not gain anything from that killed the other,
if you wanted comments did you get what you wanted it. You are remarkable human being sore. What was inside was moving correctly when you choose to do so? 's Not done.
Nobody will ever give you forgive me. You do not deserve a second chance.
This is so wrong.
Live every day flat out, you never can know what is happening. no one is to be left alone. Try to cope and the forces of the victims' families!

JaKEke ottaa osaa <sydän>

-> Sytytä kynttilä Uhreille

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