


Maybe the diamonds are not for everyone
Love is not how long
u've been together
not how much u've give
or receive not how many
times u've helped each other
its how u value each other.

Love isn't when u can be
together and talk about
anything, it's when u can
be together and not say a
word and think it's the best
conversation you've had..

Everyone says u can only
fall in love once, but
that's not true. Because
every time i hear your
voice i fall in love all
over again.

Maybe god wants us to
meet a few wrong peoples
before meeting the right
one. So that when we
finally meet the right
one, we know how to be
grateful 4 that gift.

U can fall from the sky.
U can fall from a tree,
but the best way to fall
is in love with me..

Of all the friends i ever
met, your the one i wont
forget, and if i die before
u do, i'll go to heaven and
wait for u.

Work like u don't need
money, dance like no one's
watching u and love like
you've never been hurt before.

Don't say u love me unless
u really mean it, because i
might do something crazy like,
believe it.

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