


"Se kuvaaja"

TRUFAX 8DLauantai 02.05.2009 18:35

You say Akon - I say Disturbed
You say 50 Cent - I say KoRn
You say Jonas Brothers - I say Three Days Grace
You say Miley Cyrus - I say Rammstein
You say rap - I say Avenged Sevenfold
You say pop - I say Slipknot!
You say hip hop - I say system of Down!

92% of kids have turned to rap ,pop & hip hop. If your're one of the 8% who like to headbang and disturb the peace copy and paste to your signature.

[Ei aihetta]Lauantai 02.05.2009 18:14

haluun losiin ja san diegoon niin paljon atm :<

[Ei aihetta]Keskiviikko 29.04.2009 23:55

ääää miksei kukaan oo kertonu mulle aikasemmin et lady gaga tulee suomeen?! DDDDD: omg im so going. ehkä pääsisin jopa kuvaamaan ku se on kerran kulttuuritalol <3

im not over, im not over you just yet.Keskiviikko 29.04.2009 13:23

että on hyvä fiilis tänää, mikään ei oikeesti vituta :D elämä alkaa ehkä sittenki pikkuhiljaa hymyilee <3

eiliset heltechin pääsykokeet ja haastis meni hyvin, nyt pitää vaan toivoo parasta. 12.6 ei vois tulla nopeemmin.

mihi kaikki menos huomen?

kui hassuu :DMaanantai 27.04.2009 22:14

oon töis ja tähän kassalle tuli äsken joku tosi tutun näkönen nainen. sit se rupes puhuu ja sen ääni kuulosti viel tutummalt. sit ku se lähti aerobiciin ni tajusin et se oli se kolmosen uutisankkuri ja se 45-minuuttia ohjelman juontaja XD

play that funky music white boooooiiiiiMaanantai 27.04.2009 02:53

ahahah apua. kävin just läpi jotai vanhoi kuva-albumei. lapsuuskuvia must, anust, laurast ja riitast. DNW XD

[Ei aihetta]Sunnuntai 19.04.2009 22:22

"Most people stiffen with self-consciousness when they pose for a photograph. Lighting and fine camera equipment are useless if the photographer cannot make them drop the mask, at least for a moment, so he can capture on his film their real, undistorted personality and character. "

-Philippe Halsman

i got chills, no lie <3Lauantai 18.04.2009 22:29

Alison Iraheta vs Adam Lambert, who's gonna win?! D:

[Ei aihetta]Perjantai 17.04.2009 21:44

I'm so fed up with everyone around me
Noone seems to care
I'm just so far gone and nothing's gonna change
I'll never be the same

It's always "do this, do that"
Everything they want to
I don't wanna live that way (No)
Every chance they get they're always
Pushing me away

It's never enough, no it's never enough
No matter what I say
It's never enough, no it's never enough
I'll never be what you want me to be

It's all so messed up and noone ever listens
Everyone's deranged
I'm just so fucked up and i'm never gonna change
I lay it all to waste

They're always "say this, say that"
Nothing that you want to
I don't wanna live that way (No)
Every chance they get they're always
Shoving me aside

It's never enough, no it's never enough
No matter what I say
It's never enough, no it's never enough
I'll never be what you want me to be
I'm done!

In the end we're all just chaulk lines on the concrete
Drawn only to be washed away
For the time that I've been given
I am what I am

I'd rather hate you for everything you are
Than ever love you for something you are not
I'd rather you hate me for everything I am
Than have you love me for something that I can't

It's never enough, it's never enough
No matter what I say
It's never enough, no it's never enough
No matter who I try to be
It's never enough, no it's never enough
No matter how I try to change
It's never enough, never never enough
I'll never be what you want me to be