


loves ninjatyttö<3

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Miten tässä näin kävi? :oTiistai 23.12.2008 08:34

Vois mennä ehkä nukkumaan hetkeksi. :S

Aloin taas itkee! :/Maanantai 22.12.2008 15:32

Kenny Chesney - The Christmas shoes

It was almost Christmas time, there I stood in another line
Tryin' to buy that last gift or two, not really in the Christmas mood
Standing right in front of me was a little boy waiting anxiously
Pacing 'round like little boys do
And in his hands he held a pair of shoes

And clothes were worn and old, he was dirty from head to toe
And when it came his time to pay
I couldn't believe what I heard him say

Sir, I want to buy these shoes for my Mama, please
It's Christmas Eve and these shoes are just her size
Could you hurry, sir, Daddy says there's not much time
You see she's been sick for quite a while
And I know these shoes would make her smile
And I want her to look beautiful if Mama meets Jesus tonight

He counted pennies for what seemed like years
Then the cashier said, "Son, there's not enough here"
He searched his pockets frantically
Then he turned and he looked at me
He said Mama made Christmas good at our house
Though most years she just did without
Tell me Sir, what am I going to do,
Somehow I've got to buy her these Christmas shoes

So I laid the money down, I just had to help him out
I'll never forget the look on his face when he said
Mama's gonna look so great

Sir, I want to buy these shoes for my Mama, please
It's Christmas Eve and these shoes are just her size
Could you hurry, sir, Daddy says there's not much time
You see she's been sick for quite a while
And I know these shoes would make her smile
And I want her to look beautiful if Mama meets Jesus tonight

I knew I'd caught a glimpse of heaven's love
As he thanked me and ran out
I knew that God had sent that little boy
To remind me just what Christmas is all about

Sir, I want to buy these shoes for my Mama, please
It's Christmas Eve and these shoes are just her size
Could you hurry, sir, Daddy says there's not much time
You see she's been sick for quite a while
And I know these shoes would make her smile
And I want her to look beautiful if Mama meets Jesus tonight

Saijalta<3Sunnuntai 21.12.2008 23:55

Mikä on fetissi?
- Jotain yli-isoa kiinnostusta tai palvontaa jotakin kohtaan

Mikä on mensa?
- Älykkyysjärjestö? Mä kuulemma pääsisin Mensaan, jos haluaisin. :o

Mikä on kolhoosi?
- Ööh, oon taas ollut hereillä historiantunneilla. :D Siis se on joku, et ihmiset viljelee valtion peltoja tai jotain. :D

Mikä on demokratia?
- Siis tasavalta - kansa äänestää ja enemmistön kanta ratkaisee.

Onko sosiaalisuudella jotain tekemistä sosialismin kanssa?
- No ei tod! :D

Mikä on bonsai-puu?
- Semmoinen oli Karate kidissä! :D Joku minipuu, jota kasvatetaan kukkaruukussa.

Kuka on Brigitte Bardot?
- Tunnettu näyttelijätär.. Oliks se nyt itävaltalainen vai ranskalainen, ei voi muistaa vaikka siis tunnettu on! :D

Mikä on spektaakkeli?
- Eiks jostain tosi hienosta näytelmästä käytetä spektaakkeli-nimitystä? Siis alunperin se on jostain teatterista kai?

Mikä on fobia?
- Pelko tai ahdistustila jotakin asiaa/esinettä/eläintä kohtaan.

Mikä on konflikti?
- Kahden valtion erimielisyys, joka johtaa sotaan tai jotain. :D

mitä pessimismi tarkoittaa?
- Negatiivista ajattelua jostain

Mikä on A Capella?
- Pakko uskoa Saijaa, eli ilman säestystä tapahtuva laulu?

määrittele kädenlämpöinen vesi
- Siis kai se on ruumiinlämmön lämpöinen - 37-40 astetta?

Mikä on kalossi?
- Kumisaappaat? :D

Mikä on miimikko?
- Siis esiintyjä, joka ei käytä ääntä, vaan heiluu käsillään

Millainen maa se Afrikka on?
- Ainakin siel on siis kuumaa ja kuivaa.. Niin ja siel on paljon köyhiä ja nälkäisiä ihmisiä.

Onks hiivassa sokerii?
- Ei? Eiks hiiva oo sieni? :D

Mikä on sensuuri?
- Öö, jotkut tärkeät ihmiset päättävät, saako juttua julkaista vai ei.

Petetäänkö pikkujouluissa?
- Joo, kyl sitä vissiin esiintyy. :/

Harrastetaanko takseissa seksiä?
- Ei kai niin usein oikeasti, kuin leffoissa.

Mitä tarkoittaa I love blonds
- Minä rakastan blondeja

Tiedätkö mikä on paistinpannu?
- Metallista tehty astia, jossa paistetaan nakkeja? :D

Mikä on melankolinen?
- Siis möksmöks. :D Semmoinen alakuloinen ihminen.. Eiku joo, laulukin voi kai olla melankolinen?

Mikä on diapolo?
- Semmoinen hankala temppuiluväline.

Voiko olla allerginen kanien siitepölylle?
- Siis eihän kaneissa ole siitepölyä? :D Itse asiassa eläinten karvallekaan ei voi olla allerginen, vaan hilseelle.

Mikä on feministi?
- Naisia puolustava heppu

Mitä tarkoittaa vaakatasossa?
- Öö, siiis sillee, ettei se oo pystyssä? Jos makaat lattialla, niin oot vaakatasossa! :D

Mikä on kämmenselkä?
- Kädessä se puoli, jossa on kynnet

Tiedätkö, missä on Nevada?
- Lähellä Las Vegasia!(Eläköön CSI!!)

Mikä on lättäjalka?
- Semmoinen, jonka jalkaholvi on olematon.. Siis jos jalan sisäsyrjässä ei ole semmoista kaarta.

Onks hämähäkillä hampaat?
- On kait?

Kuuluuks teatteri kulttuuriin?
- Tottakai!

Mikä on katalysaattori?
- Siis ainakin autossa se puhdistaa pakokaasuja

Luettele 3 kansainvälistä tiedustelupalvelua:
- No ainakin CIA, FSB ja SUPO

Luettele 3 kansainvälistä valuuttaa:
- Jeni, dollari, euro

Minä vuonna Suomi itsenäistyi:
- 1917

Mikä on itsenäisyyspäivä?
- 6.12. Kiitos, Saija! :D

Missä maassa on dollari? Rupla? entä punta?
- Dollari on esimerkiksi Australiassa, rupla on Venäjällä ja punta Briteissä

Onko ruotsissa euro?
- Ei olee

Missä on ollut kruuna?
- Kolikoissa

Mikä on tuntoaisti?
- Siis sillä tuntee vaikka kun joku tukistaa! :D

- En ole koskaan tuntenut, varmaan meni puolet ihan päin scheissea! :D

From Karaskoski - again! :DSunnuntai 21.12.2008 22:13

Would you rather spend a whole day with your mom or your dad?
- With my mom.. Maybe we could go shoppin. :)

Where were you 12 hours ago?
- I was with my computer

Is it easy for others to make you feel awkward?
- I usually feel myself awkward. So yes.

Do you know what you are going to wear tomorrow?
- Same clothes(underwear) than today.

Can you make yourself cry?
- I don't make myself cry.. Music or other lovely things does.

How many hours of sleep did you get last night?
- I slept three and half hours

Is your life simple or complicated?
- It's simple as me.

What are your favorite colors?
- I love red. :)

How many times have you kissed the last person you kissed?
- I haven't count :D

Do you know anyone who lives in Wyoming?
- No I don't

Have you ever kissed someone whose name starts with a C?
- No I have not.

What are you doing tomorrow?
- I meet Maria, Mari and Linda. :)

Are you easily confused?
- Sometimes.. It depends.

Do you have a habit that you CAN NOT overcome?
- No I guess

Do you shave?
- Everything but my legs.

You currently have to...?
- Listen Christmas songs. ;)

What was the reason behind the last time you cried:
- I cried today cause I miss my students! :/

Do you find members of the opposite sex confusing?
- No.

What's your opinion on zombie movies?
- Too scary for me!

What are you listening to right now?
- Josh Groban - Believe

How has this week been?
- It was quite fun! =)

Are you shy?
- Sometimes I am.

What did you do yesterday?
- I made swede purée and worked with my pictures.

Whats your current mood?
- I'm little bit tired but happy?

What are you doing right now?
- This gallup.

Next time you will go out?
- Tomorrow. =)

What color are your eyes?
- Marble blue?

When was the last time you shared a bed with someone?
- My bed is MY bed! ;)

What makes you mad?
- Rude people.

Do you remember singing any songs as a kid?
- Of course!

Would you swim in a pool of chocolate?
- No because I can't swim.

When was the last time you laughed?
- Today, many times! :)

Do you like fire?
- Actually no.

Did you have a nap today?
- Never.

Do you still have pictures of you & your ex?
- No I haven't

Where's Waldo?
- I don't know. In New York?

How old will you be in 3 birthdays?
- 27? :S

Will you be married by then?
- I don't think that I will even be engaged.

Who was the last person you hugged?
- Maritta or Maria, I don't remember

What were you doing at midnight last night?
- I watched tv and played with my computer. :D

If you could be anywhere, where would it be?
- I would be with Linda in New Zeland? :D

What was the last thing you drank?
- I drank milk. :)

What's your favorite ice cream?
- Old vanilla or strawberry

Do you sleep on a certain side of the bed?
- I roll all over the bed. :D

Ever stolen a street sign?
- NO! :D

Do you wear any jewelry 24/7?
- No I don't

Do you still have clothes from when you were little?
- I don't but my mom has my old clothes. Maybe I will get those back if I get own kid someday

What are you mad about right now?
- Loneliness

Are you a jealous person?
- Not really.. Or maybe I am..

What song lyric, if any, is stuck in your head at the moment?
- Shakin' Stevens - Merry Christmas everyone

How many siblings do you have?
- I'm too lazy for counting it.

Are your parents still together?
- Yes

Single and looking?
- No.. I'm in relationship and looking? :DD

Is your current hair color your natural hair color?
- Yes it is.

Is there someone you want to fight?
- No!

Song playing right now?
- Josh Groban - Believe

What were you doing an hour ago?
- Playing with computer as always

Do you wear the seatbelt in the car?
- Always!

What is something you really want right now? be honest:
- I wanna hug!

Do you like to text or call more?
- Both

Do tattoos and piercings excite you?
- I hate piercings

What is the weather like today?
- I don't know

Where will you be in an hour?
- Sitting by computer. :D

Do you ever turn your cell phone off?
- No, I use offline-profile

What do you want in your life right now?
- Friends?

Are you wearing anything you borrowed from someone?
- Yes, I have my brothers shirt

Can you sleep in jeans?
- No.. When I wake up, I'm almost always totally naked.

When was the last time you were in a car with someone besides family?
- Yesterday

Do you trust people easily?
- Not any longer

Will you ever hug the last person you hugged again?
- Prolly

Shakin' Stevens - Merry Christmas everyoneSunnuntai 21.12.2008 18:28

Snow is falling,
All around me,
Children playing,
Having fun.

It's the season,
For love and understanding,
Merry christmas everyone.

Time for parties and celebrations,
People dancing all night long,
Time for presents,
And exchanging kisses,
Time for singing christmas songs.

We're gonna have a party tonight,
I'm gonna find that girl underneath the misteltoe,
We'll kiss by candlelight.

Room is swaying, records playing,
All the old songs, we love to hear,
All I wish that everyday was christmas,
What a nice way to spend the year.

We're gonna have a party tonight,
I'm gonna find that girl underneath the mistletoe,
We'll kiss by candlelight.

Snow is fallin,
All around me,
Children playing,
Having fun,
It's the season,
For love and understanding,
Merry christmas everyone,
Merry christmas everyone.

Oah merry cristmas everyone.

Snow is falling,
All around me,
Children playing,
Having fun,
It's the season,
For love and understanding,
Merry christmas everyone.

Snow is falling,
All around me,
Children playing,
Having fun,
It's the season,
Love and understanding,
Merry christmas everyone.

Snow is falling,
All around me,
Children playing,
Having fun,
It's the season,
Love and understanding,
Merry christmas everyone,
Merry christmas everyone,
Merry christmas everyone

Ihan outo olo!Sunnuntai 21.12.2008 18:22

Mua vaan itkettää koko ajan ja hymyilen ihan typerästi koko ajan.. :S
Ikävä kaikkia mun oppilaita. :/ En ehtinyt ees toivottaa kaikille hyvää joulua! :(

Lomalla on ihan kiva olla nyt, en silleen kaipaa töihin, vaikka ihan yhtä hyvin voisin olla töissäkin, ei haittaisi mua yhtään! :)

Joo, tästä tuli ihan typerä, mut joo, tällaista tänään. :'D

Josh Groban - BelieveSunnuntai 21.12.2008 04:07

Children sleeping, snow is softly falling
Dreams are calling like bells in the distance
We were dreamers not so long ago
But one by one we all had to grow up
When it seems the magic's slipped away
We find it all again on Christmas day

Believe in what your heart is saying
Hear the melody that's playing
There's no time to waste
There's so much to celebrate
Believe in what you feel inside
And give your dreams the wings to fly
You have everything you need
If you just believe

Trains move quickly to their journey's end
Destinations are where we begin again
Ships go sailing far across the sea
Trusting starlight to get where they need to be
When it seems that we have lost our way
We find ourselves again on Christmas day

Believe in what your heart is saying
Hear the melody that's playing
There's no time to waste
There's so much to celebrate
Believe in what you feel inside
And give your dreams the wings to fly
You have everything you need
If you just believe
If you just believe
If you just believe
If you just believe
Just believe
Just believe
Muutama litra lanttulaatikoa on nyt valmis - näyttää hyvältä, toivottavasti maistuukin! :)

[Ei aihetta]Lauantai 20.12.2008 20:17

Näin joulun alla on mukava kuulla jokin pieni kohteliaisuus!
Joten kerro sinä minulle mitä ajattelet minusta, ja lisää tämä sitten omaan päiväkirjaasi, jotta voin kertoa sinulle, mitä minä ajattelen sinusta. :)

Haha! :DLauantai 20.12.2008 16:41

4 oppilas:
[ ] Koulu ei vois vähempää kiinnostaa
[ ] En tee läksyjä
[ ] Lintsaan
[ ] En piittaa numeroista
[ ] Olen jäänyt luokalle
= 0

5 oppilas:
[/] Myöhästelen
[ ] Opettajani vihaa minua ja minä häntä
[ ] Opettajat on tyhmiä
[ ] En pidä huolta kirjoistani ja muista koulutavaroista
[ ] Olen saanut ehdot
= ½

6 oppilas:
[ ] Kopion läksyni joskus jostain
[ ] Jätän joskus kirjat kotiin
[/] Olen huolimaton töissäni
[ ] Koulu on turhaa
[ ] Olen opettajani silmätikku
= ½

7 oppilas
[/] Olen huono koulussa
[ ] En tajua mitään!
[x] Kokeisiin lukeminen on ihan hirveän tylsää
[ ] En aina kuuntele opettajaa
[/] Teen joskus muuta mitä pitäisi tehdä
= 2

8 oppilas
[x] Haluaisin olla parempi
[/] Minua pitää auttaa usein
[x] En ole tyytyväinen kokeisiini
[/] Unohtelen joskus asioita mitä olisi hyvä muistaa
[/] En osaa olennaisia asioita joskus
= 3½

9 oppilas
[/] Oppitunneilla on hauskaa
[x] Viittaan ja olen aktiivinen
[/] Juttelen opettajalleni paljon
[x] Ope on mukava
[x] En tykkää olla koulusta pois
= 4

10 oppilas:
[/] Koulu on ihana paikka
[x] Kesälomat muut pitemmät lomat ovat tylsiä ilman koulua
[?] Opettajani pitää minusta paljon
[/] Luen aina kokeisiin ja teen aina huolellisesti kaikki koulutehtävät
[/] Kokeeni ovat aina parempia kuin muilla
= 2½