


:3 world is a better place when it is upside down

piukepauPerjantai 01.09.2006 22:30

Nenällä: jehyuty
Kyynärpäällä: jerhutyyu
Kielellä: jehuty
Leualla: jredhujitgfuyhj
Varpailla: jerhy8uityu
Silmät jehuty

testtesttest :DMaanantai 21.08.2006 15:48

testtestMaanantai 21.08.2006 15:47

testtestMaanantai 21.08.2006 15:46

Final Fucking FantasyLauantai 05.08.2006 17:36

Vittu vittu perkele. Le Haine!

PerkelTorstai 03.08.2006 04:53

Olkoon tämä virallinen surun päivä!
Rob Zombielta on tippunut munat!!!!!
Foxy foxy videon nähtyäni tulin päätökseen että nickel(gay)backin ja laulaja ja rob zombie ovat samannäköisiä!!! HYI VITTU!!!!
ROB ZOMBIE IS DEAD!!!!!!!!! Rest In Pain Fucker!!!

god in meTorstai 27.07.2006 04:49

i like to play god, but some people get offended...
so i just like to play jesus.... Thou that guy seemed to be a total cunt! :D
Well i just wanna be peter steel :D :D :D

ArghTiistai 25.07.2006 14:35

Vittu hevos kuvia iihahaa iihahaa!! Argh!"! poni pimpom!!! Ketään vittu kiinnosta!

Joskus näin....Tiistai 11.07.2006 00:29

Jos tulee jotauín pilluja mieleen ilmoita kyseiseen lokerikkoon.!
Terveisin jehuty & Clonemind

[Ei aihetta]Perjantai 30.06.2006 15:28

The bass, the rock
The mic, the treble
I like my coffee black
Just like my metal

With the bass, the rock,
The mic, the trouble.
I like my coffee black,
Just like my metal.

I can't wait for you to knock me up
In a minute, minute
In a fuckin' minute

I can't wait for you to knock me up
In a minute, minute
In a second

I can't wait for you to shut me up
and make me hip like badass
I can't wait for you to shut me up.
Shut, it, up

I can't wait for you to shut me up
and make me hip like badass
I can't wait for you to shut me up.
Shut, it, up.