


DREAMLauantai 11.06.2011 02:21

How can I know
when someone cares for me,
if I could go
somewhere in my dreams?

I'm alone
and I always will be.
I'm alone
and I never will be free
from this curse I have.
I'm cursed to be alone.

I need a life
to dream the pain away.
I need a fight
to kill loneliness.

No need to say
it's not worht it.
No need to pay
the deeds I have.

I'm a dream,
fading away.
I'm a dream
vanishing in the air.
Unseen by friends,
loved by loneliness.

I'm alone
and I always will be.
I'm alone
and I never will be free
from this curse I have.
I'm cursed to be alone.

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