
[Ei aihetta]Perjantai 26.10.2007 21:00

en selittää voi kaikkia tunteitani
ne ei oo vääriä, vaikka ne tuntuu
siltä kuin viillettäis haavaa, mut ei ne voi valehdellakaan

[Ei aihetta]Perjantai 26.10.2007 20:53

Aika kulu ei tappamallakaan.

[Ei aihetta]Sunnuntai 21.10.2007 00:30

Älä mene pois
Jää mun syliin yöksi
Viereen nukkumaan
Älä mene pois
Lähtiessäs jotain
Jää taas puuttumaan
Älä mene pois
En tahdo olla yksin
Sua täällä tarvitaan
Pitäisitkö musta huolta?
Voisit pitää hyvää huolta.

[Ei aihetta]Maanantai 15.10.2007 01:05

ATB - Ecstacy

Have you ever noticed,
That IÂ’m not acting as I used to do before?
Have you ever wondered,
Why I always keep on coming back for more?

What have you done to me,
IÂ’ll never be the same I'll tell you for sure

IÂ’ll never be the same I'll tell you for sure
IÂ’ll never be the same I'll tell you for sure

You really are my ecstasy,
My real life fantasy

Not that IÂ’m complaining,
A more beautiful vision - I have never seen
If you donÂ’t mind me saying,
A lifelong ambition to fulfill my dream

What have you done to me,
IÂ’ll never be the same I'll tell you for sure

IÂ’ll never be the same I'll tell you for sure
IÂ’ll never be the same I'll tell you for sure

You really are my ecstasy,
My real life fantasy

(There can be no other While we still have each other)
(There can be no other
While we still have each other)

You really are my ecstasy,
(There can be no other
While we still have each other)
My real life fantasy

[Ei aihetta]Perjantai 05.10.2007 23:38

Mä en huuda, Mä keskustelen.

ahhahhahhaa,löytyhän se täydellinen yhteisö lopulta mullekin xd

[Ei aihetta]Sunnuntai 30.09.2007 21:07

[Ei aihetta]Sunnuntai 30.09.2007 20:24

Vanessa hudgens - Say ok

You are fine
You are sweet
But I'm still a bit naive with my heart
When you're close I don't breathe
I can't find the words to speak
I feel sparks
But I don't wanna be into you
If you are not looking for true love
No I don't wanna start seeing you
If I can't be your only one

So tell me when it's not alright
When it's not OK

Will you try to make me feel better?
Will you say alright?
Will you say OK?
Will you stick with me through whatever?
Or run away

When you call I don't know if I should pick up the phone every time
I'm not like all my friends who keep calling up the boys, I'm so shy
But I don't wanna be into you
If you don't treat me the right way
See I can only start seeing you
If you can make my heart feel safe

When it's not alright
When it's not OK

Will you try to make me feel better?
Will you say alright?
Will you say OK?
Will you stick with me through whatever?
Or run away
Say that it's gonna be alright. That it's gonna be OK
Don't run away, don't run away

Let me know if it's gonna be you
Boy, you've got some things to prove
Let me know that you'll keep me safe
I don't want you to run away so
Let me know that you'll call on time
Let me know that you'll help me shine
Will you wipe my tears away
Will you hold me closer

When it's not alright
When it's not OK
Will you try to make me feel better
Will you say alright? (say alright)
Will you say OK?
Will you stick with me through whatever?
Or run away
(Say that it's gonna be alright. That it's gonna be OK)
Say OK
Don't run away, don't run away
Say that it's gonna be alright. That it's gonna be OK, don't run away
Will you say OK

[Ei aihetta]Tiistai 18.09.2007 21:23

Mitä jos sinut näkisin
hymyilisitkö vain väkisin
vai ihanasti niinkuin silloin
vai tuntisitko ees

[Ei aihetta]Tiistai 18.09.2007 21:13

1. [ ] Olet meinannut tukehtunua veteen.
2. [x] Olet kompastunut alas portaita.
3. [x] Olet kävellyt päin ovea.
4. [x] Olet työntänyt ovea väärään suuntaan.
5. [ ] Olet kävellyt seinää päin.
6. [x] Olet kaatunut kävellessäsi portaita ylös.
7. [x] Olet hypännyt jostakin pois.
8. [/] Olet ollut shokissa.
9. [ ] Olet laittanut metallia/alumiinia mikroon.
10. [ ] Olet joskus mainosten jälkeen unohtanut mitä ohjelmaa olit katsonut ennen mainoksia.
11. [x] Olet unohtanut mitä toinen on sanonut.
12. [/ ] Perheesi/kaverisi kutsuvat sinua blondiksi.
13. [ ] Et aina ymmärrä vitsejä tai sinulla kestää pitkään ymmärtää ne.
14. [ ] Olet vuotanut verta etkä ole itse huomannut asiaa.
15. [ ] Olet pitänyt jotakin vaatetta koko päivän väärinpäin etkä ole huomannut asiaa.
16. [ ] Olet työntänyt veitsen paahtimeen
17. [x] Olet leikkinyt tulella.
18. [x] Olet jättänyt uuniin ruoan ja sait sen palamaan sillä unohdit että ruoka on uunissa.
19. [ ] Olet astunut hiustensuoristimen taikka kihartimen päälle sen ollessa päällä.
20. [ ] Sinun piti käyttää laskinta, taikka sormiasi laskiessasi alla olevaa vastausta

Kerro viidellä rastit ja saat tietää kuinka tyhmä olet prosentteina.

45% tyhmä xd

[Ei aihetta]Lauantai 15.09.2007 18:45

Who can say
where the road goes
where the day flows
only time
And who can say
if your love grows
as your heart chose
only time
Who can say
why your heart sighs
as your love flies
only time
And who can say
why your heart cries
when your love lies
only time

Who can say
when the roads meet
that love might be
in your heart
And who can say
when the day sleeps
if the night keeps
all your heart

Night keeps all your heart

Who can say
if your love grows
as your heart chose
only time
And who can say
where the road goes
where the day flows
only time

Who knows - only time
Who knows - only time