Kerroin tässä mielipiteen eräästä julkkiksesta.
Kuka arvaa kuka? Mikä on mikä ja onko seinässä valkoset tapetit?
Onko sinappikaasuputkisto ruosteessa?
Mitä se minun persettä kutittaa?
Newborn child inhaleing air
Tasting the world, so unfair
Forced to live without understanding
Will find itself from the tree, hanging
Teaching people as allmighty
Looking forward so brightly
Telling story of the becoming
Gathering everyone to follow him
Wizard among others
Everything ends they say, and it's true
But I say it depends on what way you look
After your life there is just rotting remains
After following night you'll see... NOTHING REMAINS
Cheating weak with a vain hope
Telling tough you sould tie a rope
Seeming harmless with naive appearance
But still affects after tousands of years
Was punished then
Is praised now
Shouted a howl
With a long call
Keijo Epänen on jumala ilman toista a-kirjainta! JUMAL!