
UnensieppaajaTiistai 01.12.2009 07:27

Lentävä lause katkaisi yöunet, lensi näppikselle ja tuhersi näyttöön lyyrisyyttä. Tuloksena outoa pelottavuutta, vallankumousta ja lopullisuutta.

Silent Whisper

Fulfilling ones dream with flashing films of becoming
Scrambled enough to avoid of baring to the sense
Sending a message to a man with no future
Making his self esteem one of its slaves
You feel yet free when your eyes reach light
But it's already conquered the tales of the night

Possible choices are becoming reality
Plausible turns into necessity
It's been hiding carefully in surreality
Gathering power and growing majorly
It will turn your head to whole new direction
And alter your life in a fraction of a second

Cold blade breaks my sweat
As it finds its way through my flesh
with its burning embrace
It sends me to a better place
Steel brings one to its knees
And with a silent whisper fills its needs

As quiet as it was it had heavy things to say
But not vivacious enough so this was the only way
Was it vain?
Sure if victim had been sane
He was so weak and only a pawn of game
Say goodbye but don't bother to praise
"Tomorrow all my feats will be erased"

Hyväksytty totuus on viimeinen valttikortti.
Noniin, perämies täällä. Laulan teille ihmeellistä toimintalyriikkaa josta en itekkään älyä mitään.

Olkaa hyvä, estraadi on minun.

World Of Error

Mock up every god damned wanderer
They chose the direction
You are just the harvest gatherer
Come sing with us as a chorus leader
You are the producer
And spying the script writer

Rise up to this world of error
Do what you do best
Release all the terror
To those who you feed
It will be what you need
Just be patient and wait
And your plan will not fail
Forgive to yourself
As your brother taught us to
Slowness is the only fragility
They will walk to your leash
Without knowing it's a noose
Keep it loose
Let the pieces go in place

You give us all the crops
With a little extra spice
The taste never leaves
And empties our own choice
It's your ergots that grow on our field
And it's even more consumed
That none of us could have feared

I changed my mind for inviting you up
but I understand now my mind is stuck
I have a warning sign inside my head
To show it I'd have wait I'm dead
One little thought could make you appear
In a way even your brother couldn't deal

Your twisted circle of gore reaches to the core of mankind
With every beat of heart you drain blood as a blind
What you're looking for isn't clear to anyone
But what's for sure you grow more with every pump
How much can you take before you hit the lethal verge
Or is that your goal, suicidal final burst

Aivan mahtavaa, en vaan älyä!

No mutta.Tiistai 14.07.2009 05:57

Tosiasiahan tässä on se että lyriikat kirjoitetaan sillon ku sanoma on ukkospilveä synkempi. Nyt sanoma on hieman mustaa tummempi, mutta ei paljon. Tosiasioita, mutta romantisoidusti kerrottuja.
Tuli muuten ehkä järkevin päiväkirjamerkinnän tekstin aloitus, mitä meikältä löytyy. Pistetäämpä alkuun silti eräs mietelause, ettei aivan mene asiallisuuksiin.

Nahkaa oleva penkki haluaa silmäpussin pois. Kyseessä ei ole toisaalta oma silmä, eikä myöskään ole kyse silmäpusseista vaan nimenomaan silmäpussista. Hieman asiaa valottaakseni valo ei tänne silmään paista juuri koskaan ja tätä silmäpussia ei ole naisilla. Silmähän on tietysti perssilmä ja pussi on... no joo anti olla.

Ja nyt aisaan, semmoseen puiseen ja pyöreään.

Not To Be Repeated

I do recall the latest row
It was so heavy I almost let go
It got my feet down to the dust
It took me some time to get lost
But as soon as it happened
Couldn't find my way back
Carried whole stack without comsuming it
Tied tight to my back and hard to get rid of

Sorting out the incoming issues
Brought up my pile
Too fast to work it out
As an afterthought without a doubt
Every shot was meant to kill
And I tried to drown with my own will

I have seen the line of tragedies
Splatters on the wall, on the floor
I've floated on a sinking river
Finger too near the trigger
I truly beg this not to be repeated
I heard it last time and almost was defeated

One man's army wasn't just enough
For my relief I had so much comrades
I just was ashamed of my overload
Which nearly prevented me from rowing my boat
Dismantling my load by evening it
Gave me the strenght to row again

After these shackles
I now walk free
To the original goal
Where all noses point
We aim there
Where he aims at us

Onneksi olkoon kiitos

Loppuun voisin lainata erästä em. tekstin kirjoittajaa

"Jätkä kattoo meikää niinku halpaa mansikkaa"
- Olli "Melko" Oikarinen

Jokainen päätelköön mitä pääteltävissä on, muistakaa päätellä etenkin villasukat että eivät purkaannu. Perkeleen pirullisia ne purkaantuneet villasukat joista näkyy pottuvarvas puoliksi läpi, eikö nii? :o

Näin se on.Maanantai 13.04.2009 15:14

Pikkupäissään kirjotettuja sanoja, jotka iskee kuin salami yössä. :o

viisautta on ymmärtää minuus
suurta viisautta on opettaa itseä ymmärtämään
on viisainta opetella tuntemaan itsensä
vain suuruudenhullu rajoittuu muihin ihmisiin.

"Sota-aikana miehet oli miehiä ja naiset nappaili kaljoja."
- Jarno "J-Z" Sirviö

NoppanöpöMaanantai 03.11.2008 18:53

Tuumasin tunkkia ja paistelin lenkkiä ja toppatakkia pukiessa pulppusi mieleeni rappiotunnelmia. Kirjoitin niistä laulun nahkaviululle ja puukkohuilulle. Onneksi olkoon kiitos.
Kirjoitin myös muuta mutta muutama muu muuttaa maata muualla kuin mukamukamaassa. Oompa höpsö.

Nyt tullee eka piisi ja se kertoo siitä miten justinia tarjoillaan.

Justice Is Served

Pinch me and screw you
Meet my friends called sickness and sorrow
You seem not intouchable anymore
Your value is lower than whore's
For that you should get punished

Are you ready for delight
Long waited fight
Where you are always three steps behind
Two kicks slower
And one punch lower

My biggest joy right now
Is bang sense to your face
Pace towards unconsciousness
'cause that's just what you deserve
You deserve every verse

I walk through you
Over you
Stomp on your chest
And humiliate you
By the authorities you can't be whipped
For there's no punishment enough
To fill the hole in balance
I'll manhandle this court case
Until justice is served

Fragile as ice you are
Under heat and pressure
You are just a weeping failure
Before meltdown I stop and laugh
Vanish underground or I'll get rough
For real
But for now...
The justice is served

Toka paska kertoo plumpsahtavan äänen.

Last Man Standing

Left alone to the beach
Feeling how last sunray slashes
Sometimes surviving is the hardest part
Not daring to loose grip
No more there's any use for sleep
For the death fills the lack of rest

There's no outside risks
From now on the earth sleeps
Watch where the sun points
Stare it at the eyes
For you it's so big loss
It's way over comprehension

How do you think it's going?
Not too good, I lost everything
You only can't hear life singing
But I can hear the death laughing
Echo is devastating
Scene is eye carving
You just lost the view...
Hey, I just lost the world

At first there was director
Then came the creation
The long-lasting joy joined us
Suddenly all crashed as quick it was made
And life started to fade
Leaving only three alive...
The death and it's child
And the god of emptiness

Suolankäyttöä lisätäkseni lisään suolaa suolapurkkiin ja kerronkin sen kunniaksi tässä jostain ihan muusta.


Nowadays... duties leave unfinished
That you have noted and also get pissed
The world is falling on to you
But for surviving you have a clue
This I still can loose
I can still use booze

The heading is falling
And you hear the bells calling
Why are you only slowly strolling
If you know that in upstairs it's boiling
The head is already coiling
A rope for you

That very rope is not kill
It tests your will
It might be your safety line...
If everything works fine...
If you choose not to follow the lead
It'll open the hatch under your feet

Pick anything to pick anyone
And see that the guide wasn't wrong
Should have left before the hits of the bong
And nothing would have been gone
I'll no longer be too kind
'cause it was a fucking deadline

Sweat your tears
Confront your fears
Just do it on time
And your teeth won't grind

Vielä aforistiikan runomopolta viimeinen keisariajatus:

Ei haittaa jos nöpöttää, se on vaan viinietikkaa joka mököttää.

Kicking GroundlayerSunnuntai 03.08.2008 19:08

Kyllä, taas länkytin tästä parista kesäkuukaudesta ja sen ajan kivoista sattumista joita onkin jo usea. Hienoa. Kyllä kiitos, missäs päin se ankkuri on, aaaannkkuuriiii...!

Pushed over the edge
Was it's fate
Are we cursed with hate?
Dropped down to the dust
Ended thinking like gilliotine

Snap in the head as a child
Still running wild
Chasing shadows, following hollows
Damage made, not happened
Next moments totally ruined

Cutting joint with others
Thinking alone with none's influence
But thoughts affected by many
Was enough to desire falling
Happily ever after

Furied with rage
Stength without a limit
'till it erupts
Sparkling happily over and under
Shooting flames
Old Man playing games

Teeth made to obey
Making their own solution
Attacking master
Treating it like an enemy
Stopping remedy for work
Feasting with lust

Looking forward faster than time
Showing more hell coming home

Muhckeaa mummomaista bassotyöskentelyä.
Kerroin tässä mielipiteen eräästä julkkiksesta.
Kuka arvaa kuka? Mikä on mikä ja onko seinässä valkoset tapetit?
Onko sinappikaasuputkisto ruosteessa?
Mitä se minun persettä kutittaa?

Newborn child inhaleing air
Tasting the world, so unfair
Forced to live without understanding
Will find itself from the tree, hanging

Teaching people as allmighty
Looking forward so brightly
Telling story of the becoming
Gathering everyone to follow him

Wizard among others

Everything ends they say, and it's true
But I say it depends on what way you look
After your life there is just rotting remains
After following night you'll see... NOTHING REMAINS

Cheating weak with a vain hope
Telling tough you sould tie a rope
Seeming harmless with naive appearance
But still affects after tousands of years

Was punished then
Is praised now
Shouted a howl
With a long call

Keijo Epänen on jumala ilman toista a-kirjainta! JUMAL!

Jeesustelua ja kaasusinappiaTiistai 08.07.2008 18:51


Olen kahvaamassa korollaa katolleen. Pitäkää napu pystyssä.

Back to those days when all was black
In mud strolling and nothing was lack
You rose from the pit of sin
That's when the secular hell began

Horns pointing up you wander
Angry and pissed, throwing thunders
Through the river of flames
Through the rising darkness
Thinking of a new harvest

As head falls to the ground
The sound... tells corpses abound
Breath taking moment for me too
Is to look at the devil who says... wooooo

Thinking, I'll show you the distance
To your sweet home, where you came
I ain't sacred, I'm just pissed
Of the sound... when the heads fall abound

I don't have to dig you a grave
You left it open, to get back home
You really should start moving
Cause in upstairs...
Youre nothing but a bedtime story

Mää näytän teille haahkanmunat. Pakanat!

Tässähän tämä, ritari ämä.

maken intro/ 12 tahtia

intron ja säkeistön välimaastoo/ 8 tahtia

diablo-melodiaa/ 8 tahtia

välimaasto/ 4 tahtia

1. säkeistö/ 4 tahtia

haunted by fierce evil breath
which feels right in my neck
tearing my soul out
for misuse

pre-chorus/ 8 tahtia

if I could keep it
even if it doesn't fit
I was still born with it
without it I'll be sick
no harm can be done
am I the only one
crushing my little soul
with only my own faults

chorus/ 8 tahtia

I, I thought I got away
Away with my sins
But no, I was wrong
So wrong
Mistake for life

pre-chorus-riffi/ 4 tahtia

Am I convicted
the only victim
or is this holocaust
with spice of evil's haunt

välimaasto/ 4 tahtia

direct contact with the dark
underworld with no sun
all-seeing-eye with a stare
sees through so be aware

2. säkeistö/ 4 tahtia
leave your luggage and run away
there's no chance for you to stay
chased by the perfect beast
and you're not an escape-artist

chorus/ 8 tahtia

I, I thought I got away
Away with my sins
But no, I was wrong
So wrong
Mistake for life

välisoitto acoustic/ 12 tahtia

pre-chorus/ 8 tahtia

you got a sidekick
your sins have no weight
but wait for the fatal hit
it won't miss and it shall kill
depending of ruler's will
comes the lethal, final strike
life is just a long disease
infects well and ends with ease

chorus ½, muuttuu sooloksi/ 4 tahtia + n. 12 tahtia soolooaaaaooaa

I, I didn't get away
It seems
Life is sold out

fade out


nitro/ 16 tahtia

lyhyt välipieru/ 2 tahtia

örriffi/ 16 tahtia

Since (the) day one, we have walked this earth
Not knowing the essence of life
Since (the) day one, we have been wondering
Is there something greater, something stronger

kliiniriffi/ 8 tahtia

The mind - that carries these toughts
The mind - human mind

välimaastoliha/ 8 tahtia

säkeistöriffi/ 16 tahtia

Wondering the essence I can breath, I can feel
Feeling the difference The difference between life and death
I think thefore I am So maybe I am alive
2 tahtia väliä
Breathing thin air Feeling alive
But still unsure Is there nothing but lies
Need to find out the truth inside the mind

kliiniriffi/ 8 tahtia

The signs - Of major conspiracy
Bare flashes - Yet reliable?

pre-chorus/ 8 tahtia

Use those little flashes
Connect it with the knowledge
Fulfill the blind spots
Answer is in final thoughts

chorus/ 16 tahtia

I don't have any patiency
To fulfill the missing parts
I want all keys for the doors
I shouldn't open yet
Picture of the hidden truth
Has to be revealed
Word shall spread to everyone
Who wander in the dark

välimaastoliha/ 8 tahtia

säkeistöriffi/ 16 tahtia

Standing on the crossroads Without any streetlights
Staring to the darkness Seeming too interesting
Bit too much curious Destiny facing behind the corner

Fascinating danger Cannot be avoided
Greed winning the fight Between sense and feeling
Is it really worth it To risk your whole life

pre-sölöy/ 12.4 tahtia

sölöy/ 3948 tahtia

chorus/ 16 tahtia

I don't have any patiency
To fulfill the missing parts
I want all keys for the doors
I shouldn't open yet
Picture of the hidden truth
Has to be revealed
Word shall spread to everyone
Who wander in the dark

örriffi/ 8 tahtia

Conviction for the mischief
Will be loss of your sanity
Classed as a lunatic
Gotta be your fate
Common sense is not enough
To comprehend the real fact
'Cause it's not in our language

Muhahaha. Ja vähän piälle.Torstai 13.03.2008 15:47

Lack Of Apprehension. Pö.

Lack of Apprehension

I can avoid addiction
Still differ the real and fiction
Crush all fences between sences
At the cloud fortress
With no address

Spirit of green that clears my thoughts
Shows memories and shoots me to clouds
Reveals all the hidden truths
That mind fucks up and hate messes




(Flying,) Found a way for extacy(, to the clouds)
Found a key that really isn't made for me
(Set free,) Mysteries and secrecies(, to the crowd)
All opening for eyes that always seek

Hooked on all the sweat and tears
Lost the glory of the fears
All the answers packed in the head
Now I'm better off dead
Now satisfied