


¤ SunShine ¤

ResultsPerjantai 07.07.2006 01:20

THEY CAME! I PASSED! HA! fart on u stupid ibo, i just proved u dont need to study to fuckin pass ib!!! damn im proud of myself, ok so i coulda done way better, but i passed without studying, how amazing is that!!! hihihi, anywho, thats all i had to say :D oh and finally all the big stuff has been moved to my apartment now, woot woot! so technically, its done. now its just all the small stuff that has to b done :D yippie! gosh im in a happy mood now :D once again, SCREW U IB! I DID IT!

Juhannus and afterTiistai 04.07.2006 19:44

well its been awhile since i wrote here last. juhannus came and went. we went to the summer place and had us some fun :D my sister invented a new style in which to take shots, haha, i shall b using that for a while now "otetaas tämmöne shotti" hih :D. i came back wit my sister and her man matti, who also happens to b the eckeröline man, hih. moms comin back from there today wit my beau of a dog missy :D ah i love that animal. i just got home, havent been home in AGES, also the moves about to finally take place, befor friday :) im guessin either wednesday or thursday. my moms goin to poland on friday to see my brother and his wife. shes gonna take my comp wit her so my bro can look at it, its being all weird :S oddness cause its new. also shel bring my hookah over! woot woot! finally, about time init?! i still havent found my lava lamp though :( pooie! i went to the beach wit tati yesterday and her mom, twas fun :D then we played zoo tycoon 2! wer so cool, i swear. i actually got so excited i bought the game and the expansion pack myself! i went to turku wit my man also, that was fun! spent the night there and came back in the morning. Hes a good guy :) hmmm, i should go clean cause my mom'l b here in about 2 hours. then... TYCOON TIME!!! gosh i miss all my friends, steph left yesterday to vienna. monas at her dads, daniel is somewhere. irina and sasha are in russia, tatis the only one here :S well... i shall live :) wht else has been up? i cant think of anything really. oh except i have to call isku cause they fucked up wit the delivery, gosh. and yaaay i got electricity yesterday too! moving is interesting isnt it? hah. ohhh and my new passport is comin on the 7th, thank the heavens! i can finally leave this country and go on holiday!!! well thats about all for now, shall write more later when i start remembering stuff thats happened. oh yea and on the bad side i found out im sueing my dad :S odd huh? :S

GradLauantai 10.06.2006 05:30

grad is over, family is gone. went to clean the apartment yesterday. It's quite late and im missing that certain someone ;) (you knw who u are :D). it was so nice having the family here even if it was for a very short time. Im glad they could all make it, it really meant a lot to me. Life is changing slowly, but always for the better i think. gonna start moving to the apartment slowly. so much free time and i dont even knw wht to do with it all, lol. ironic isnt it, always complaining that theres too much to do and now theres too little to do, or too much time to do it in, lol. anywho, just felt like writing something. I even cried in grad because of wht tati said, shes just... shes great, thats all i can say. not to mention talented as fuck! good night dears, hope to see u all soon again :D

Almost TimeTorstai 01.06.2006 05:27

my sister is here now, she came last week friday and so did steve (fiancé). my bro is comin later wit maria (wife). my dad even came. we bought the grad outfit and might i say its rather nice :D im so happy the family is gonna be together again, i miss having them around, thats the crappy part about being the youngest. I so love my siblings <3 we always have such a blast, especially me and saara, hihi :D dare i say that a new R-ship is blooming too? hmmm, let us wait and examin and see where things go. I miss mona :'( i havent seen her in ages now, feels as though iv lost one of my sisters (u know i think of u as one!!! and u knw i mean it too!!!). i miss sasha too, shes been gone for so long, poor thing, had to go through SO much :S im amazed shes holding on! its almost time for grad, just a few more days left. its such a scary thought really, i mean at the same time its overwhelmingly nice cause ur free n all but at the same time its really sad. You say goodbye to so many memories and friends and relationships but also open doors to new ones. Lines get cut and new ones form, ah, so is life rite? well tati has been fun to hang out wit, haha "would u pass a nigga a pencil?" ROFL! im kinda disapointed that i didnt get to do the speech with mona, but ill get over it. So far things are just goin so great. I mean school is ending, im graduating, moving to my very own apartment, my family is here, everything is running rather smoothly, friends are great, and plus chances with the new relationship are lookin quite good. Not to mention the travelling and everything else thats gonna happen after grad. Cant wait to get a job though, t'will b fantabulous :D also still have to get a new passport and do that whole army thingy along with figuring out wht i wanna study. Ah, gettin semi tired now :P i think i shall head on off to bed. hih, life really is cool, u learn from mistakes and move on :) oh and did i mention that the weather was great today! well it was, sunny wit a slight breeze, juts the way i like it! not to mention it wasnt humid at all (thank the lord, had enough of that growing up as it is, ahah). good night puppies, i shall see you all when i wake up (or then in my dreams :D both are very accepted xD)

IB = ÖverTiistai 23.05.2006 20:49

ITS OVER! ITS OVER ITS OVER ITS OVER ITS OVER ITS OVER!!! OF JESUS HALLELUJAH ITS OVER! last exam took place today at 11:32 am and ended at exactly 12:32! oh dear lord thank u so much, its over, finitto, kaput! goodbye cruel shizzle and hello world and life again! yes, u heard me, LIFE! get ready ppl, Harri is out and free now, wooohooo!
.... ok now that i got that outta my system, have to get ready to go out, hihihi! ciao my hot lil babushkas!

Life :DMaanantai 22.05.2006 08:34

Sometimes I Love Life so much it just makes me cry. I cant help but think how wonderful everything has been/still is, how lucky some people are and never realise it. The sheer amount of joy that one can experience, the hurt, the tears, the laughter that makes your stomach ache and cramp, the friends that make days bright and nights bedful. Life just takes you by suprise everyday. It's so overwhelming at moments that u cant do anything else but gasp for air and feel that one tear role down your cheek for no given reason. The people that lift u to heights so overwhelmingly high that u dont even know youve been lifted because its exactly where you belong. The bonds that break but leave that mark meant for the lessons ahead. It hurts to see some people take life for granted. Sometimes one doesnt even know why and has blue days, but then theres days like these that make you look back and surrender to all those feelings and thoughts youv forgotten ever took place. Mistakes and heartaches are the only way you know youre doing the right thing and going in the right direction. In the end you might not have reached the things you wished but its the road you took that makes you realise you reached exactly what you had to. To stop and witness pure bliss is the time you have witnessed your own miracle. There are so many small things in life that people let pass by. Life is beautiful, wonderful, horrid, unfair, embraced, short, blind and the only thing you can ever really say was there with you till the end. Life is hard, we all know it is, but u only get one shot at it, so take it in and let it fill you to the brim until it spills over because if you dont, ur missing the whole point. Sometimes i Love Life so much i just cant take it. God knows iv had my sad days, but God also knows theres been so much more to it than that. We'v all gone through horrible times, take it, let it all in, cause thats life, but remember to walk past and ahead. Dont dwell in shoulda, coulda, woulda's. Dont regret the things you have done, regret the things you havent done. Life is just too short to let it slip on by, its too much of a gift to throw away. Hug it with all you have and dont let go because itl b gone sooner than you thought. I'm proud to say i Love life with everything it has to offer and everything it has offered because it only comes by once, might as well make it the ride of a lifetime. Dont "try" to live it, live it! give it the best you can ever give! I'm so ecstatic i was blessed with this captivating adventure. Thank you to everyone and everything that had a part in it and/or will have a part in it. You made it priceless :D (Just thought i should say this before it slips my mind again) It's simply impossible to put into words <3.

Love absolutely everything that ever happens in your life.
- Paul Cantalupo, MD

There are two ways to live your life. One is as though nothing is a miracle
The other is as though everything is a miracle.
- Albert Einstein

Stalker :STorstai 18.05.2006 05:35

omg the WEIRDEST thing just happened. im NOT kidding. this guy iv seen a million times on my bus befor (who i always notice but he never notices me) followed me home and then some! its very interesting, im rather confused about it all. like ok i KNOW he lives in a different direction from me, but he followed me until i got home. then i took missy out and he was still walkin in front of the house. so i decided to wait 5 mins and take the trash out, and he was still there and when i walked back home he started walkin towards me. so i like smiled this nervous smile and he smiled back, he was like maximum 1.5 meters away, but i just kinda walk past and go into the building and i go inside and wait in the kitchen and 15 mins later, HES STILL THERE! smoking! and he keeps lookin at my window! so finally he starts walkin away and i follow him a bit and then he turns towards where he lives... but the whole thing REALLY confuses me.i didnt even knw he was gay :S is he gay? y did he follow me? and WAIT for me? and walk towards me and smile :S wht do i do when i see him again?! this was just very interesting :S in total he musta been out there smoking, waiting, staring for like 35 mins :S. its flattering in away (since i kinda always had a mild thing for him... key word there, MILD!), but also a bit creepy. i wonder when the next time will b... hmm... it's a mistery.

Continuation: OMGGG!!!! he actually talked to me through gaydar FOUR mins ago!!! said i have a nice dog and that we got off on the same stop, who ELSE could it be?!?! this is kinda cool, but in a VERY wrong way :S lol! *semi-excited* its like a lil adventure.

Continuation 2: annnnnnd i just added him to msn. wht AM i doing?!?! and yes, hes very interested, emphasis on the very. it ended wit a good night though, lol. thank GOD!

OutingTiistai 16.05.2006 21:33

ha, i love my russian friends :P but u all already knew that didnt ya!!! anywho, been out since thursday and now my throat is KILLING me. I think i even acquired a mild fever, SO not cool :( have to b fit and healthy! well, life is smiling and the sun is ... semi-shining? oh well, thats better than nothing. Gonna start moving next month, whoopie! have to buy the grad hat and some grad clothes too, papa said hed pay for anything, woohoo, dont we all love daddy, just like shirley :P anywho, there was also a bit of drama yesterday, buuuuut it went away VERY fast. We all had a blast, got free drinks, talked, chilled, twas fun. But now, foooooood (and antibiotics :( )

P.S. To all my friends :D "Lyublyu tebya vsem sertsem, vsey dushoyu !!!" <3

FYISunnuntai 07.05.2006 21:40

I'm not a concept. Too many guys think I'm a concept or I complete them or I'm going to make them alive, but I'm just a fucked up boy whos looking for his own peace of mind... Don't assign me

Love <3Sunnuntai 07.05.2006 00:15

Bible Readings

1 Corinthians 13 (New International Version)

If I speak in the tongues of men and of angels, but have not love,
I am only a resounding gong or a clanging cymbal.
If I have the gift of prophecy and can fathom all mysteries
and all knowledge, and if I have a faith that can move mountains,
but have not love, I am nothing. If I give all I possess to the poor,
and surrender my body to the flames, but have not love, I gain nothing.

Love is patient, love is kind. It does not envy, it does not boast, it is not proud.
It is not rude, it is not self-seeking, it is not easily angered, it keeps no record of wrongs. Love does not delight in evil, but rejoices with the truth. It always protects, always trusts, always hopes, always perseveres.

Love never fails. But where there are prophecies, they will cease; where there are tongues, they will be stilled; where there is knowledge, it will pass away. For we know in part and we prophesy in part, but when perfection comes, the imperfect disappears. When I was a child, I thought like a child, I reasoned like a child. When I became a man, I put childish ways behind me. Now we see but a poor reflection as in a mirror; then we shall see face to face. Now I know in part; then I shall know fully, even as I am fully known.

Ane now these three remain: faith, hope and love. But the greatest of these is love.

Modern Version Of Paul to the Corinthians

Love is patient and kind; love is not jealous or boastful; it is not arrogant or rude. Love does not insist on its own way; it is not irritable or resentful; it does not rejoice at wrong, but rejoices in the right. Love bears all things, believes all things, hopes all things, endures all things. Love never ends.
(Bible, part 1 Cor 13)

The Catholic version.

It is not the extraordinary things that make life worthwhile but the love that we share with those around us- a love that comes from God. Let us be eager to learn how to love with this kind of love 'which will never fade away'

A reading from the first letter of Paul to the Corinthians (12:31-13:8)

Be ambitious for the higher gifts. And I am going to show you a way that is better than any of them. If I have all the eloquence of men or of angels, but speak without love, I am simply a gong booming or a cymbal clashing. If I have the gift of prophesy, understanding all the mysteries there are, and knowing everything, and if I have faith in all its fullness, to move mountains, but without love, then I am nothing at all. If I give away all that I possess, peice by peice, and if I even let them take my body to burn it, but I am without love, it will do me no good whatever. Love is always patient and kind; it is never jealous; love is never boastful or conceited; it is never rude or selfish; it does not take offence, and is not resentful. Love takes no pleasure in other people's sins but delights in the truth; it is always ready to excuse, to trust, to hope, and to endure whatever comes. Love does not come to an end.