


¤ SunShine ¤


- Vanhemmat »

Parka!Perjantai 03.02.2006 02:56

YES! FINALLY! i got my new canada goose parka! jesus that was a fuckin hunt! spears and everything! oh well, im officially broke now, ahah, but atlesat ill stay warm, yaaay. only slept for 2 hours last nite :( eeekkk! uber tired today. and now its 1 am and i still havent taken a shower! god, another sleepless nite, so not cool. Just finished wit my bio. I'm thinkin of goin to London for the feb break, but still not sure. Oh yea, and someones being a bit distant and bla today, grrr. anywho, another fun filled day tmr (or shld i say today? :S) goin to tallinn at around 6 and comin back tmr at around 6 also, lol. woohoo, gonna go play wit orphans there for cas, hupe itl b fun! hope this weekend runs smoothly.

voi vittu!Torstai 02.02.2006 03:27

voi vittu, someone said that freakin L word again, i cant handle it, its too much emotion in one word. Especially if the person doenst mean it. ah... oh well, its a curse ill have to live wit. and to top this all off, im feeling so supressed, this country is supressing, lol! i cant wait to move to london *sigh*
"I Want To Feel Blonde All Over!"

PlaceboTorstai 26.01.2006 19:04

ÄÄÄ! martina told me she has the new album cause it leaked! OMG I WANT IT! I'll still buy the album since its like one of the only bands i always have and always will support, but damn i cant wait!
Post Comment - I just got the songs, oh jesus im hyper now cause im listening to them! YAY!!!

Sigh of ReliefTiistai 17.01.2006 18:25

talked about some important stuff last nite, or this morning? hmmm... it was good though, finally have peace of mind. Got rather suprised in history for my results in the test, way ta go harri! bio test tmr, bleh. I'm just glad my mind is off of that one thing and i can finally start focusing on things again. well... that was all for today, ciao.

KylieTorstai 12.01.2006 18:57

God that song is so addictive, me and tati wer singin to it like the WHOLE day, rather irritating, but fun! got 3 tests tmr, woohoo, god i really do love sku. I'm gettin so frustrated wit u knw who because of u knw wht, sheesh, but i shall get to song listening and working soon.

First Day Of Hell :SMaanantai 09.01.2006 19:37

first day of sku today, oh god that was just so great *sarcastic tone* although it WAS nice seein friends again, but i just wasnt as happy as i thought id b :S odd, oh well. we have 7 tests now during the next 4 days, talk about fun. Ill go and flop onto the bed now, lol, ta-taa.

NewsMaanantai 09.01.2006 01:56

I talked to jenni a while back ago and we discussed moving in wit eachother and being like will and grace, or ... jack and karen, ahha! I also had a huge talk wit my mom, it was rather.... interesting, lol, but good i suppose. I told her a big secret, hahah, so to say :P I hate having these feelings that im having at the mo. theyre so... god they irritate me so bad cause i just get so confused and start over analysing stuff, so not fun :( But i think its just mostly me being uber worried or smt. god i love this song thats playin, kylie minogue - confide in me (french version). so beautiful <3 well i got school tmr, whoptidoo :S i was quite productive today, did tons of stuff :D nothing related to school, which is so gonna bit me on the buttocks later on, but whtever, lol. atleast ill get to see all my friendies tmr... thats fun :P i ... think? lol. anywho, ciao for now, gonna go toss and turn in bed now, hih.

Everyone's GoneKeskiviikko 04.01.2006 13:54

(only realised there was this journal thing today. can you say "blondie?!") Well, everyones officially gone now. Saara, steve, maria, and karri. Cried bucket loads i did. I got em puffy eyes an all. woke up early today at around 8:45 and looked at my phone only to find a picture of my dog staring at me, lol. then i tossed and turned for about 2 hours and started wheeping again. Something real special's happened to me during the holiday, its both so great and yet the scariest shit iv come accross in a long time. I thought of callin paulette today but remembered i dont have her number anymore :( *sniffles* i dont know wht to do today, at home... alone, until mom comes back. Sauna day today though, woohoo! (although im not sure ill go or not, lets see) and then mi madre is goin away tmr, so i got the house all to myself, yippie! school on monday :( oh god, how horrid. The holiday was great though! im so glad the whole family was here (cept dad). we havent had everyone here in 3 or so years. Went to the movies wit tati yesterday to watch narnia, it was.... wel.... interesting, hahaha. Some parts were just so patheticly funny. I finally met Diana!!! omg she is SO cool and gorgeous, its amazing how some ppl are just so lucky! i had an ok NY's :S it was great until i went to meet up wit jenni, then shit hit the fan, so to say, lol. then as the night went on it got better until it ended and we had to go sleep in the kamppi bus terminal, that was seriously fun though, cant stop laughin at it. Theres some other stuff that could b mentioned, but wont since this thingy isnt exactly the most private journal, lol, so lets leave it at that. Mona said "dont do anything, just just just stop trying to firgure that out" in otherwords "stop thinkin so much!". Oh yea and my mom got pissed off wit the television checker people, that was rather funny. I hope i see bunny today, i miss that fluffy lil guy :D
- Vanhemmat »