101. My name is: Johanna
100. I was born in: June
99. I am really: a really kind person when you get to know me
98. My cell phone company is: nokia
97. My eye color is: blue/green
96. My shoe size is: 38
95. My ring size is: don't really know
94. My height is: 165 cm
93. I am allergic to: unpleasant and irritating people
92. I was born: 23 years ago
91. I am annoyed by: actually nothing
90. Last book you read: Dostojevski*s Idiot
89. My bed is: big enough for me and someone special
88: One thing you hate about yourself: I'm sometimes too noisy
87. My favorite Holiday is: Easter
86. The perfect kiss: with someone special
85. The last three cdÂ’s I bought were: Lupe Fiasco, Kanye West, Jennifer Lopez
84. Are you living at home: no. I'm too old for that
83. Do you have any siblings: 2
82. Are your parents divorced: yes
81. What did you do yesterday: I went to school
:::I Believe In:::
80. Love at first sight: maybe, haven't experienced it myself
79. Luck: yes
78. Fate: a little..
77. Yourself: yes
76. Aliens: maybe
75. Heaven: yes (I've been there... ;>)
74. Hell: yes
73. Ghosts: yes
72. Horoscopes: not really
71. Soulmates: definitely yes
:::Which is Better:::
70. Hugs or Kisses: both
69. Drunk or High: drunk
68. Phone or Online: phone
67. Red heads or Black haired: black
66. Blondes or Brunettes: brunettes
65. Hot or cold: hot
64. Summer or winter: I really can't choose
63. Fall or Spring: fall
62. Chocolate or vanilla: chocolate
61. Night or Day: night
60. Oranges or Apples: oranges
59. Curly or Straight hair: straight
:::HereÂ’s What I Think About:::
58. Abortion: I don't judge the people who have done it
57. Backstabbers: no, but they mean nothing to me so I don't care
:::Last time I:::
56.Had food? many hours ago
55. Saw someone I havenÂ’t seen in awhile: one dear friend of mine acouple of weeks ago
54. Cried in front of someone: today
53. Who is the ditziest person you know: they all are
52. Who makes you laugh the most: all of my friends
51. The last movie I saw: Pride and prejudice
50. What I donÂ’t understand is: why some people judge one another even though they don't know them
49. Something I always really miss when I leave home is: my bed
48. The thing that IÂ’m looking forward to the most: when I graduate this summer
47. The thing that IÂ’m not looking forward to is: to do lot of school tasks
46. Tomorrow: I'm gonna be a little hung over
45. Today: sleep
44. Next Summer: lots of travelling ahead
43. Next Weekend: lots of partying ahead
42. People call me: Jossu
41. The person who knows the most about me is: maybe Pia
40. The most difficult thing to do is: everything connected with school
39. I have gotten a speeding ticket: no
38.My zodiac sign is: gemini
37. The first person i talked to today was: Aija
36. First time you had a crush: many many years ago
35. The one person who i canÂ’t hide things from: I can hide everything if I want
34. Last time someone said something you were thinking: long time ago
33. Right now I am talking to: no one
32. What is your dream job? don't really know yet
31. First real job: I worked at a minigolf course
30. I have/will get a job: this summer
29. I have these pets: no pets
28. I wish: someone would understand me
27. The worst sound in the world: squeeking voice... :S
26. The person that makes me cry the most is? there's no one in my life who makes me cry often
25. Best sound in the world: good music
24. Person
that makes you happy: all my good friends
23. Florida or Hawaii: Hawaii
22. My favorite piece of clothing: I love almost all my clothes
21. Last time I cried: today
20. My friends are: the best thing a girl can wish for
19. My computer is: good enough for me
18. The school I go to is: Laurea AMK
17. Last person I got mad at: one of my friends
16. The all-time best movie is: thre are so many
15. The all-time best feeling in the world is: when I realised I'm really going to graduate!
14. I lose all respect for people who: can't keep their promises
13. The movie I cried at was: I don't remember
12. TV channels you watch: almost all
11. Favorite web site: facebook
10. I like/love: my friends
9. The worst pain I was ever in was: a long time ago. I'm not gonna tell you
8. My favorite word is: ...
7. My room is: nice
6. My favorite celebrity is: Johnny Depp
5. My weakness is: it's hard to gain my trust
4. What I like about the opposite sex is: the whole package
3. Who broke your heart: someone a long time ago
2. One thing that makes you feel great is: relaxing and having a good time with my mates
1. One person that you wish you could see right now: someone really special to me