


ฬђคt คгє ץ๏ย ๔๏เภ' ςђєภ

M E G A S O U N D !Maanantai 07.03.2011 20:14


Welcome to the Scantraxx University

An extreme sensation of pressure at the eardrums

At the beginning of the 21st century
A professor of the Scantraxx University
Discovered a sound that travels through solid ground
It has been known to cause the need to dance in humans
Since it is not conscientiously perceived, it can make people feel vaguely
That supernatural events are taking place
Such tones cease being heard as a musical tone
Unless they are boosted greatly in volume
This particular sound is referred to as: THE MEGASOUND

A sound so profound
Welcome to the Scantraxx University

The megasound
Professor in research, Willem Rebergen
Received a royal honour for taking part in this excellent inquiry

Innovation in the science of sound.

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